Birna Bulon

Birna is the wife of Bediah, and his life's jewel. In her younger days, she was an adventurer, traveling the world, crusading for the common folk. Her life's dream was to settle down someday and run the best Dwarven Hearth Hall (Dwarven for Tavern). She collected recipes from among the people she met, gaining quite the library. She and Bediah met while adventuring, where he was quickly smitten with her, red hair, sturdiness, and hearty cooking.


She is well loved among the peoples of Melinir for her warm personality, food, and home brews. Anyone causing her trouble would be wise to stay clear of her large rolling pin (some swear it's a enchanted mace).

Below is a portrait of the young adventuring Birna. It hangs above the main bar, and is a treasured family heirloom of the Bulon family.



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