Grandmother Gertie

Grandmother Gertie is the Herbalist and Midwife of Melinir. She is very capable in her craft, and treated as a grandmother figure by most of the residents of Melinir. She's quite spry for the lofty human age of 90, taking her early morning walks out to the surrounding country side to forage, site see, and "stretch her old legs".


Her herbs, poultices, and midwife services are priced fairly low. She is often paid with fresh food and services by the common folk of Melinir and the surrounding area, rather than coin. This has only endeared her to the residents of the valley. It is well known that both Valum and Conner have turned a blind eye to her tax debt, because of her valued service to the greater community.

She lives here with her cat Rascal, a orange tabby, who keeps the shop pest free when he's not getting into mischief. He's extremely friendly, and demands pets from any and all visitors.

Grandmother has a small shrine to Petra in her work area, as she "likes to be close to her guiding Patron".



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