
Worshipped in

Alphatia, Bellissaria, Esterhold, Isle of Dawn (Dunadale, East Portage), Alatian Isles, Thyatis, Norwold, Ochalea.  


Alphaks is a 10' tall horned demon with huge black bat wings, holding a greatsword in his right hand and a barbed whip in his left.  


The last emperor of Old Alphatia under the name of Alphas IV, his senseless thirst for power and over inflated ego led him to create a schism in the philosophical debates of his people, decreeing the superiority of the Followers of Fire over those of Air. In the ensuing civil war the world of the Alphatians was completely destroyed, forcing them to abandon it. Alphas IV was cursed and banned by his subjects, and he was presumed dead in the destruction of Old Alphatia around 1000 BC. However, he managed to flee before it was too late and wandered through the outer planes, until he fell into Thanatos's clutches and began to undertake the path towards immortality. Under the cruel fist of Thanatos (who had turned him into a roaring demon to serve him best), while his resentment and power-hungry ego grew immensely, he was finally able to become a true immortal after great acts of evil and slaughter. Two centuries later, in BC 800, he discovered that descendants of those who escaped from Old Alphatia were living on a small planet of the Prime Material Plane; from that moment his primary goal has become the annihilation of all the Alphatians, soaking the world in a bloodbath of terror and brutality.

Divine Symbols & Sigils

A white horned skull on a fire background shaped like a phoenix.
Divine Classification


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