Alphatia (Immortal)

Worshipped in

Alphatia, Bellissaria, Alatian Islands, Ochalea  


Alphatia is a beautiful copper-skinned Alphatian woman clad in a simple white tunic, lacking jewellery and shoes (embodying simple Beauty).  


Born from the Alphatian common stock on Old Alphatia with the name of Aasla, she followed her people in the migration that led the Alphatians to Mystara. Opposing the racist politics of the first Emperor (a pure Alphatian), she decided to create a new kingdom where Alphatians of both pure and common stocks (Cypri-Alphatian mixed bloods) could live side by side in peace. She settled a peninsula far away from the capital of the empire near the south-western border of the continent, and in 200 years she transformed that land into a model of beauty and peace, founding the Kingdom of Aasla. She then discovered the path of the Paragon and later managed to become immortal around 800 BC, after creating the Shield of Alphatia (an artifact that prevents anything and anybody from damaging its wielder, but likewise prevents him from harming anything). She later became known among the Alphatians under the name of Alphatia, Patroness of Harmony and of all the Alphatians of Mystara. After the destruction of the continent of Alphatia in 1009, priests of Alphatia have called on citizens to seek no retribution or revenge against Glantri or their people, instead avowing their tenants of peace. Followers who lost loved ones during the cataclysm, while still mourning their loss, have felt their grieving assuaged; as if their families are being cared for and live on.

Divine Domains

Arts, beauty, peace, order and harmony, protector of Alphatia and foe of Alphaks

Divine Symbols & Sigils

A bright shield with spots of color like the palette of a painter
Divine Classification


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