Cult of Halav

Three main beliefs exist within the Cult of Halav, known the holy Tiytich:
  • King Halav, dead on the field of the final battle between men and beast-men, was taken up by the Immortals, returned to life, healed, and placed in the deepest sleep;
  • The goal of the Immortals in doing this was to return King Halav to Traladara to restore the nation to the glory it held in its Golden Age; and
  • The Immortals have decided that now is the time for that return. They reincarnated the spirit of King Halav in the newborn Stefan Karameikos, that he would grow up to become the next King Halav.
  The cult dedicates itself to the idea that Stefan Karameikos will make Traladara into a mighty nation once more and will send its countless legions out to conquer the world for the glory of Traladara. However, the first goal of the cultists is to persuade everyone (including King Stefan) of their cause, and this has not been easy to do. This problem tends to hstrate them, but they remain determined.   Despite the fact that most people consider the Halavists a few pews shy of a cathedral, it is a fact that their priests’ spells do function. This means that they must receive aid and inspiration from some Immortal. So, though most common folk perceive them as crazy, clerics are usually very interested in the doings of the cult.   Priests of the Cult of Halav dedicate themselves so enthusiastically to their cause that they annoy everyone around them. To these fanatics, everything that happens is an omen, there is no way but the true way (their way), and nonbelievers (poor fools) shall rue their laughter when it is revealed that Stefan is Halav returned.   Cult members can hold any alignment. Their actions appear chaotic, even though their goal is (in their eyes) ultimately lawful. Only a fraction of the people in Karameikos belong to the cult, perhaps 1% of the population. However, as Karameikos has become a more powerful entity on the international scene, their numbers have grown.
Religious, Cult


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