Everast XV

King Everast XV Bifin, Son of Bofin Everast

King of Rockhome, Everast the XV was born Bifin, the son of Bofin,who was King Everast XIV.   Bifin spent his youth in the Rockhome military; his career was competent but undistinguished,and he achieved the rank of Captain (Evedar). Upon reaching Adulthood,he resigned his commission and married his cousin Nais, also a former officer, and began to assume duties within the Everast family, learning from his father the proper ways to manage family, clan and country.   He was well trained and the best choice for kingship when his venerable father died forty years ago. He and Nais had three children before she perished, twenty years ago when a Skarrad experimental engine exploded during her official inspection.   The Dwarf-King, naturally, lives in the royal palace and quarters in the great cavern called Dwarfheart.   Everast XV often wears human-designed, colorful robes in court situations and celebrations, and carries a gold-plated, beautifully-crafted, gem-studded sceptre of his office (which can double as a war hammer if the situation demands).
Current Residence
Gray, balding
150 lbs


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