Iron Ring

A slaving organization with cells in all the villages of Karameikos. It operates not as a family affair like the Veiled Society, but as a collective of independent criminals working together for mutual profit. The main business has been slavery; the cells of the Iron Ring capture innocent citizens (especially strong, hard-working, or good looking men and women), then ship them to various nations with legalized slavery. Risks are high, but profits are very high. To date they have avoided traditional Radu strongholds.   The Iron Ring remains the most cruel and evil of the three thieves’ guilds. Its members include thieves, fighters, clerics, and wizards of any non-good alignment. Members may not operate on a freelance basis - their only duty involves serving the Ring. They act as spies, slavers, thieves, and assassins furthering the ends of the Iron Ring, and their only goals are to gain power for the guild.
Guild, Thieves


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