
Worshipped in

Rockhome and by dwarves everywhere.  


A sinewy human of average stature, with a short, black, vainly well-kept chin beard, greying black hair, small hollow eyes that burn with the flame of creativity, dressed in a simple tunic of white linen, with a turban on his head (or the drawn hood), a medallion at his neck that holds his symbol, and with a hammer and a chisel at his belt.  


Born among the Brutemen at the dawn of human civilization with the name of Ka-gar, he was an able rock artist and a sculptor. With time he succeeded in acquiring a sensibility and a superior knowledge of the world than his equals and found his way under the guardianship of Ka, who allowed him entry into the Sphere of Matter at the dawn of human civilization (around 11,000 BC).   Subsequently saved from the extinction of his original race he wanted to create a race in his image, that reflected his passion for art and craftsmanship and his aspirations. Thus, he brought about the ancient dwarves, who unfortunately were decimated by the Great Rain of Fire; the few survivors, over the course of centuries, began to show signs of a genetic disease that inevitably led to their extinction. Kagyar renewed his work of creation working on a new dwarven race, this time giving them major resistance both to the climate and magic (and to the magical radiation post–Blackmoor), an innate love for all subterranean places, and for art expressed through durable materials (like stone, gems and metals), in the hope that they would best resist the natural and unnatural disasters that could upset the surface if the mortals caused any new world-wide catastrophes. He brought to life the modern rock dwarves, who still live on the surface and underground of Mystara. Later, his cult was extended not only among the dwarves, but also among the more populous humans, like Nithians and Milenians, which acknowledge him as the patron of all craftsmen.

Divine Domains

Dwarves, matter, earth, crafts, metal.

Divine Symbols & Sigils

Hammer and chisel crossed
Divine Classification


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