Session 4 - Greenest to Sunless

18 Thaumont 1010 - 21 Thaumont 1010

General Summary

The party recounts some of their past to each other during their travels. They arrive at Greenest the afternoon of the 18th.   After getting directions to the Ol’ Boar Inn, the party settles there and gathers information about The Sunless Citadel, the mysterious fruit they're after, and about the missing adventurers.   The next day the party meets Kerowyn Hucrele, who offers a reward for the return of her kin, or at least evidence of them in the form of their signet rings.   The party gathers more equipment from Dmitrov & Sons and sets off for the Citadel. They find signs of a descent into the crevice and make camp before descending - that night they are attacked by more twig blights.   The next morning the party descends into the rift in the earth and find the ruins of the Citadel. They encounter some giant rats and animated skeletons before encountering a kobold named Meepo.   Meepo is distraught at the loss of the tribe's pet dragon, taken by a goblin tribe. He hopes the party will help them and agrees to take the party to meet his tribe's leader, Yusdrayl.

Character(s) interacted with

Report Date
27 Oct 2019
Primary Location
Secondary Location


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