Session 49 - Attack on Halag

9 Felmont 1010 - 10 Felmont 1010

General Summary

The party decides that the barkeep is not a part of the problem in town, gathers the couple who owns the bar, explain that no harm was meant to them, and give 100 gold to them to help cover the repairs they will need to make to the tavern. Meanwhile, the party gets Seraphina into her proper armor and searches the kitchen and cellar to make sure there aren't any more soldiers. They explain that for the tavern keepers' sake they need to tie them up in the basement so they don't get accused of helping the party. The owners want to hide the gold first, which the party allows them to do. As Seraphina and Stavos are bringing them into the basement, there is a knocking at the door. It turns out the two soldiers that brought Tork to the brothel have figured out that he got away. They knock insistently - when Tork finally opens the front door they are confused, and the first one pushes through, naturally seeing the destruction and the corpses. Leo and Tork kill both soldiers before they even get a chance to respond and Tork drags the corpses inside the tavern.   With that, the party completes their rest, and starts heading toward the wyvern tower far to the east. They initially decide that they would take the eastern (smaller) bridge to hopefully avoid notice. Trekking through the storm, constantly raining and sometimes too windy for anything to fly, they take alleyways one or two blocks in from the river's edge, assuming this will make them less noticeable. Using Pass Without Trace, the party is pretty stealthy. They avoid a patrol and near the first bridge, seeing guards stationed there.   Swinging a bit wide to avoid their notice, they work their way around some smaller alleys and up to the road with the smaller bridge. Peeking around the corner they see that there are in fact guards stationed at this bridge as well, including humans, an ogre, and some hobgoblins. Tork hears a noise behind them and investigates it, finding a homeless man. Tork snags him, quickly putting a hand over his mouth and he is surprised and terrified at first. The party decides to pay him off rather than killing him, and finds out what he knows about the patrols. He suggests that crossing the bridges at night is nearly impossible with the guards that are always stationed there (without combat at least). With it clear that they'd need to fight their way across, risking alarm, Elincia mentions that she has a spell that would allow them to walk on water and bypass the bridges altogether. This opens up all sorts of new options for the party, and they cross out of sight of the bridge after letting the homeless man go.   Once on the other side, they dodge some additional patrols, and finally reach the vicinity of the wyvern tower. The top two floors of the tower each have huge double-doors on each side, which look to be large enough for the wyverns to fly through. In fact, as they watch one flies into one of the upper doors. On the ground floor their are large doors on the north and south sides, with a smaller door also on the south side. After some debate about how to best pull off their intended disruption of the wyvern Tower, they decide to climb on top of a two-story building near the tower, launch their alchemist fire flasks with arrows through the lower floor, and place the Sickening Radiance spell centered in the top floor. As Tork is examining the building, he notices that there is a opening between the upper two floors in the center, with ropes descending below. Leo decides that placing the center of the sickening radiance there would have the potential to do major destruction on both levels of the wyvern tower.   Leo places the spell, and Stavos fires three of the flasks through the lower wyvern doors, and they can see flames flickering in no time. After a few moments a singed-looking wyvern flies out of the western door and they take pot shots at it. All of this action has now drawn the attention of some guards that are by the main gate on the other side of the two-story building the party is on. One guard runs inside the gatehouse and the others, including an ogre, start coming toward the party. The party decides this might be time to move on and Tork heads to the western end of the building, secures a rope for them to climb down, and then jumps to the ground to intercept any guards that might try to interfere with their escape.   Stavos moves to the rope and stays at the top, while Seraphina sprints past and down the rope. Elincia lowers herself half-way and drops the rest, then recasts Pass Without Trace to enable a stealthy escape. Just as Leo is about to move for the rope though, he sees his Sickening Radiance flicker out and becomes enraged. He immediately replaces the spell, hoping that whoever took it down does not have another spell slot high enough to dispel it again. He then runs to the top of the rope, where Stavos takes matters into his own hands and grabs Leo, putting him into a fireman's carry, and climbs down to the ground below. Sadly, shortly after the Sickening Radiance flickers out again, so it is unclear how effective their attack has been.   The flames have spread quite a bit by now though and they prepare for the ogre to come around the corner, but one of the other guards calls out and he halts his charge - the hobgoblins take a couple shots at the party with crossbows, but they all fly wide. The party begins their withdrawal, with the glow of flames and calls of alarm behind them.
Report Date
02 Jul 2021
Primary Location


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