Session 66 - Cleaning Out the Kitchen

2 Sviftmont 1010

General Summary

The party decides to donate the vast supply of copper to the different allied clans and distributes the coins and ingots among the team.   Leo casts detect magic and investigates a few of the items to try to understand their nature, confirming that the chalk is in fact magical and that there is not any magic around the empty chest. Having searched the treasure area, they decide to try investigating upstairs. By experimenting with the levers (taking advantage of Leo's extendable pole), they drop the portcullis back into place where the Manticores were and eventually open the portcullis leading to the east.   Expecting to find some secret passages, as they did leading to this area, they have Tork lead the way. Immediately he notices that there is another hidden door beyond the portcullis. Working it open and entering this new area, Tork notices a groove around a large portion of the floor. After a bit of poking around, they find it to be a swing trap with a spike pit below it. Stavos jams the trap door with a piton, enabling the party to advance, finding some chests in the room beyond. Within the chests they find gold, gems, and other items of interest. In the corner there is a strange yellow, moldy stain. Elincia and Seraphina examine the area and discover it to be an illusion with other items stashed behind it, including a beautiful red cloak, a bundle of magic arrows, another potion, and a magic shortsword. The party stashes these all away in the Bags of Holding/Colding to examine later.   They finally head upstairs and, unsurprisingly, find another hidden doorway, leading into a room with a giant-sized table and chairs. Climbing up to see what is on the table, Stavos finds a very large map, not quite as detailed as the one the party has created, but which shows a path to the meeting place of the half-orc tribes by the Three Stones Falls. This map seems to have been created by giants though, and does not represent evidence against the Kuurn Kopan. They leave the map, and begin exploring the various doorways branching from this room.   The first door they try opens to the courtyard they had spied from the sky which house Dire Wolves - several of which are lounging around the left side of the area. Elincia has hopes of releasing them instead of killing them but, as she moves toward the outer gate, she breaks a twig and the half dozen dire wolves awake, growl, and move to attack. Stavos intercepts the charging wolves, getting mauled in the process, but the rest of the party quickly gets to action and, in relatively short order, the wolves are dealt with. In the process, Elincia buffs the party with her Bear Totem and Stavos uses his Second Wind to recover from the mauling he took; the rest of the combat was basic fighting, with the party and allies efficiently taking down the wolves.   Now that the courtyard is cleared, they move on to the separate building across the courtyard. This seems to be a barracks style space for giants. There are a couple rooms full of giant-scale beds, of varying quality, as well as some miscellaneous gear, including a boot which had 30g and a gem worth 100g. For the most part though there is nothing of particular interest. There is also a dining area (again, scaled for giants) which has a large horn on the table. Leo investigates the horn, but it seems not only quite unmanageably large, but just a horn for calling an alert.   The party moves on to the other doorway off of the courtyard space (that doesn't go out of the compound that is). When Seraphina opens this door, she finds a "handsome" giant being fawned over by several smaller female giants. The larger giant leaps to his feet, grabbing his club, and combat breaks out. Leo drops a Synaptic Static on all but one of the smaller giants and, with their thoughts even further muddled, these giants are quite quickly taken down. When the full sized giant is slain, the others break for the door, trying to escape and/or raise the alarm, but Tork's policy of no escapees is quickly enforced by the party, who leverage their range (Elincia and Leo) and speed (Tork) to drop the fleeing giants.   This dealt with, they continue their exploration of this section of the larger portion of the compound. The first room contains some badly wounded Orcs cleaning a fouled room. They mend them up, bring them up to speed on the Orc freedom process, and lead them out the gates to freedom. Moving further along the hallway the Giants fled down they take the first right and find themselves in a large, somewhat divided kitchen space. They can hear some orcs speaking in the distance and continue around the corner exploring with modest caution, grabbing a loaf of bread or two on the way. They find a combination of a couple dozen Orcs, a half dozen smaller giants, and a dozen Ogres.   The party moves to action quickly, with Tork announcing that they are here to free the Orcs, who try to stay out of the way, as the party makes short work of the Ogres and Giants. These seem much less combat ready, as they are in the kitchen, so they are unable to effectively fight back. As before, the party explains the situation to the Orcs, and show them the way out of the compound to freedom. By now the freed orcs are approaching 150 strong.   The liberation will continue shortly!
Report Date
21 Aug 2022
Primary Location


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