Session 75 - Amphibius Assault

18 Eirmont 1010

General Summary

The party gets together at The Wicker Goat to share the information they gathered about the various rumors about town. A couple seem concerning, but the most proximate and threatening rumor is that of the Froghemoth, as told by Boris Telnos. Based on where he reports sighting it, they consider it likely that the Lizardfolk may have encountered this dangerous creature, and be threatened by it. They arrange a drop-off by the fishing crew, near where they searched for the Lizardfolk the first time, and follow the path to the mound homestead.   As they approach the upper entrance of the lair they are stopped by some guards that are not familiar with the party, so they have to introduce themselves. They explain that they are friends of the tribe, and know Redfin well as well as Othokent herself. One of the guards decides to go seek Redfin while the other remains to guard the entry. After a short while, Redfin comes and confirms the party, and invites them inside. It is clear that the Lizardfolk have been busy making their new home homely. Improvements are visible throughout. As they are lead to the audience chamber they explain to Redfin the rumor they had heard, and he confirms that indeed they have encountered this Froghemoth. Once ih the audience with Othokent, who has the head of Thousand-teeth on display, as well as the fine cloak of Thousandteeth hide, the discussion continues. The Bullywogs of the swamp have been worshiping the Froghemoth, and its presence has emboldened them to encroach on the lizardfolk's territory. So far it hasn't been a major problem, but it has definitely cut down on their available foraging area. The Bullywogs are not particularly threatening to the Lizardfolk, but this Froghemoth is very dangerous. Othokent offers a potion reward that they had found in their explorations in exchange for the party dealing with the Froghemoth to make the swamps safer.   The party, already intent on this task, ask if the Lizardfolk could provide a guide to bring them close to the area they have seen the Froghemoth, to save them from potentially getting lost. They agree, and the party sets out that same day to hunt down this swamp terror.   After a couple hours of working their way through the wetter than normal terrain, and dealing with an unpleasant volume of flying insects, the Lizardfolk explain that it becomes too dangerous ahead for them to lead them any closer, though they are able to point out the direction they should search. Thanking their guides for their assistance, the party continues on their hunt. The area continues to become murkier, and the insects are nearly unbearable. Leo and Elincia take to the skies (Elincia as a Giant Eagle of course) hoping to catch sight of the Froghemoth to ease their searching. Even in the skies around here, the insect swarms are brutal. Thankfully for Seraphina, Tork, and Stavos, Tork still has his frog totem, which seems to at least minimize the biting insects, but they are still miserable and feeling drained when they are attacked by a pack of wandering Wights. Elincia and Leo drop down to assist, and the party is able to dispatch the Wights with just minor scrapes, and no dreadful draining effects, though the insect swarms are still terrible.   Eventually the party hears the beat of drums as some ceremony is taking place ahead. They decide to approach with caution, Elincia casting Pass Without Trace and, as the drums subside, they begin to see Bullywogs seemingly departing from some sort of event. They pass close by but don't seem to notice the party, who continues stealthily toward the location of the recent ceremony. As they are making their way through yet another swampy area with various pools they find themselves suddenly surrounded by a large group of creatures, including of course the Froghemoth, Giant Toads, and several Giant Frogs. Leo, having been inside a Giant Frog before, immediately starts blasting the nearest, and his enmity is sufficient to take down the creature. He moves to get further from the pool, leery of the possibility of more such creatures rising from the water, but it is impossible to get far enough away from one pool without being inside yet another.   Elincia lays down Wrath of Nature to slow down the approaching enemies, and binds one of the Giant Frogs in place. Tork and Seraphina move toward the Froghemoth, and it closes the gap as well. The pools of water suddenly come alive, and waves pull people into the pools, battering them at the same time. Some Bullywogs join the fray and try to close with the party, though with the difficult terrain, are forced to dash. The Froghemoth, with its tentacled terror, whips out at Seraphina and Tork, pulling them toward itself. Like every frog-like creature before it, the Froghemoth seems to fancy the looks of Leo, and his long tongue snags him right off the back of Deion. Before anyone can even think to stop it, Leo is devoured. In a lot of ways, Consuming Leo is worse for the Froghemoth than it is Leo. Digestion is a slow damage dealer, but Eldritch Blast is a sure fire way to get indigestion. Surprisingly enough, even with the added radiant damage from Spirit Shroud, the Froghemoth is able to take a full round of blasting in its gut without rejecting Leo.   Meanwhile, the battle outside continues to rage. Seraphina, Tork, Elincia, and Stavos lay waste to most of the Giant Toads and Giant Frogs while being tossed around bodily by the Froghemoth, which has also been battered severely by smites, cantrips and bow shots, and of course spears and fists. After another round of indigestion driven by Eldritch Blast, the Froghemoth vomits up Leo, and decides to try Seraphina and Tork on for size. Seraphina resists the attempt at devouring and smites away at the terror. Tork on the other hand finds himself invited in for dinner. Like Leo, he seems to be causing indigestion, and after a particularly powerful blow, his spear erupts outward from the Froghemoth's belly, and the creature bellows with pained rage as it collapses dead. Stavos and Elincia have handily dealt with the remaining Giant Toads and Giant Frogs, which are routine work for the party now.   With the death of the Froghemoth, any remaining Toads, Frogs, and Bullywogs seem to be willing to stay clear of the party, allowing the party to deal with the situation. They decide to take the head for yet another trophy for Othokent. There is still enough light out for the party to work its way back to the Lizardfolk's home. The return trip is a bit less overwhelmingly bug-ridden, but it is still a slog through the swamp. When they are back at the Lizardfolk mound, the guards recognize them immediately, and are impressed by the Froghemoth head, floating on Leo's Tenser's Floating Disc. Othokent rewards the party for their triumph, and they are invited to stay the night. They decide to do so, planning to walk (or spell) back to town the next day.

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Report Date
21 May 2023
Primary Location


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