Session 81 - To the Broken Lands

2 Kaldmont 1010 - 27 Kaldmont 1010

General Summary

The party decides that before they head back to Halag, they should probably check out the rest of the town to make sure there aren't other hidden risks. After some discussion, they set out to perform a house to house search. After many empty buildings and houses, they come to one that appears to have residents.   When Leo knocks on the door, they can hear frantic whispering. Tork and Seraphina decide to go around to the back of the house to watch the rear door. Meanwhile, Leo continues to say reassuring things at the front. The back door opens, Tork and Seraphina's presence startling them. Tork steps in, preventing the door from slamming shut. Seraphina and Tork recognize the "residents" as Cultists of Alphaks. At the front door, Leo decides to pick the lock, since the residents are clearly not cooperative. Once picked, Stavos forces open the door (someone is pushing back from the inside).   A fight breaks out and, unsurprisingly, the party significantly overpowers the Cultists. Leo knocks out the last one with his dagger (his first melee attack!), and they question him after he's brought to. On searching the building it is pretty clear that they were passing through the area, but up to know good - the find evidence of rituals to Alphaks.   The Party brings the freed slaves, and their new prisoner, back to Halag. Seraphina gifts the former slaves 60 gp each, and the horses are given to them. The hope is that this will enable the slaves to get back on their feet and not be too much of a burden on the already stressed city. The cultist is turned over to the authorities.   They can already tell that the situation in the city has improved even in the short time they were gone. It seems things are likely to stabilize. The party offers to bring their fishing ship to Halag for a while, to provide fish to the city at cost through the winter, as another helping hand. In addition, the party sticks around a couple days to allow Seraphina and Elincia to enrich the local farmland, using the long form of Plant Growth in the greater Halag area. WIth luck, this will help to get the region more self-sufficient later in the year.   Before moving on, Leo uses his Far Scribe ability to talk with Ynyr about which artifact to follow, as the one on the move seems to have gone south and out of range. He suggests this may be a weather migration factor, and can wait for later, and we should pursue the stationary one in the north, which seems to be within the Broken Lands. After some debate on how to get to the Broken Lands, the party decides to go by ship to Shireton, then by road North to Darokin.   Shireton is a beautiful city, with wonderful public parks, and architecturally interesting buildings. There are regular parties in the public spaces. While in town, Leo seeks out a tailor, and has an additional fancy outfit made. While waiting for the clothing to be finished, the party shops around for useful magic trinkets. The party purchases several items, though the hin merchants are prejudiced against orc-kin and charge him a premium. They spend a couple days in Shireton exploring the shops and the beautiful city before departing by paid caravan to Darokin.
  • Elincia - Dress of Many pockets, Arrows +1, and Acorn Charm
  • Tork - Chi Balancing Tea, and Amulet of Buoyancy
  • Seraphina - Eyedrops of Clarity
  • Leo - Scroll of Nightmares, Storyteller's Stein
  • Party - Contingency Band
On the road to Darokin, the caravans sees a Copper Dragon flying in the distance. Apparently known for their love of pranks, this one circles around, and downward toward the caravan. With a powerful dive, the dragon causes a downdraft that sprays snow along the caravan, laughing heartily before swooping away. Elincia, trying to play along, uses the wind fan to blow some snow back at the Dragon, but he seems less amused by that. His fun seemingly spoiled, the dragon flies into the distance, much to the relief of the caravan. The rest of the trip north passes uneventfully.   Darokin is a great city with shops that claim that anything that can be found in their republic can be found in the city of Darokin. The party spends a couple days checking out the item shops looking for something "perfect" and enjoying comfortable lodgings before heading on the road again. Some of the merchants are sympathetic to elves in light of the conquest of Alfheim, and Elincia is able to receive a discount on some purchases.
  • Tork - Rose Quartz Koi, Mosshide Troll Belt, Fists of the Guiding Star
  • Elincia - Arrow +2, Ring of Volleys, Ring of Split Mind, Rust Arrows, Luckleaf
  • Leo - Chronal Sphere, Arcanist's Magnficent Magnifier
  • Party - Aged Goodberry Wine, Gloves of Healing
Departing Darokin City, the party follows the road along the river to Corunglain. Corunglain is a very defensive city, with degree of watchfulness, and a very well built wall between it and the dangerous lands beyond. It is also a great place for finding adventure related work.   After some effort at understanding the nature of the situation in the Broken Lands, it seems there just isn't a ton of detailed knowledge of it even here in Curugain. There are clear inconsistencies in where the different factions in the Broken Lands operate. It seems more rumory than facty. After some basic fact-finding the party decides to look for a paid job in town to go into the Broken Lands, figuring this might get them a better feel for what they are seeking and where it might be. Following up leads they strike gold. There is a well paying job, from a member of the Corun House (for which the city is named) to chase down a "scary" rumor. Word is that Thar has come into possession of a powerful artifact. The House is willing to offer 10,000 gp for the recovery of the artifact. When Leo asks what the reward would be if the artifact isn't turned in, but proven to be in "safer hands," they are still willing to pay, though a reduced reward of 3000 gp in that case.   The party agrees to this mission, and sets out - on summoned steeds and foot (the fleet Tork). The rough terrain and bad weather make for slow going, and rough camping. Even with magical shelters the trip wears away at them. After a couple of days in the wild they are searching for a suitable resting place when they spot a cave with the flicker of a fire shining from within.   Entering the cave they find a small antechamber leading to a larger cave in the back. Near the juncture of these two champer they see a growth of glowing fungus, a form of what the orcs would call a "badshroom," with a curtain of thick webs in front of it, blowing in a breeze coming from the back of the large chamber. Venturing further in they find the source of the wind, a small crack that opens to somewhere outside, beyond their sight or reach. Just as they're finished examing this fissure a giant spider materializes out of thin air, and then several more, attacking the party!   Several rounds of combat ensue, during which the spiders disappear and reappear, as well as webs suddenly coming into existence. Swords are swung, spells blasted, bites taken, but at the end of it all only one Phase Spider isn't slain, disappearing into the ether and not appearing again.   Warily, the party decides to stay within the spider lair, within their "Tiny Hut" but keeping a regular watch as well.   The next day will be the final day of the year 1010.
Report Date
05 Jan 2024


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