
The vast and grand capital of the Five Shires rises from the banks of the Ithypool like many a proud city of men, with tall stone and timber buildings looming above narrow, crowded streets.  Yet it is cleaner than most human cities of comparable size and dotted with many trees that are carefully tended.


Many of the buildings in the city rise into odd shapes: spires, horses' heads, snail-like shell shapes, and even spiny constructions like porcupines or sea urchins all dot the skyline.   More of the city lies underground than above, with a fantastic network of rooms, tunnels, and crawlways existing beneath the city.  The tunnels are often flooded by the Ithypool or joined with the sewers and studded here and there with locked gratings of massive iron bars to prevent smugglers and thieves from using them as an underground highway.
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