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Research Nonazaar Day 2 (Afrius Spectres, Horses and Wizard Schools)

The Specters in the Afrius Islands are cursed souls. Most likely related to a cataclysmic event that wiped out the previous elven society. However it seems that more souls have been created recently. Anybody that dies on the islands seems to become one of those cursed souls.   Nightmares are tortured unicorns that are chaotic evil. May be able to be reverted back to unicorns.   The wizard school ___ is underneath the ___ mountains. Accesible through tunnels filled with monsters with an aversion to the light.

Research Nonazaar Day 1 (Cultists, Qraggius and Wizards of the Mystic Death)
47 Winter

The exact origin of the group, which later became synonymous with the era during which they operated, is difficult to pinpoint. Most scholars settle on the butchery of Razahl - by a violent mob in the roots of COLAF. The outrage was the culmination of a number of flashpoints in which high profile magic-caused catastrophes. However the author is not sure if that is true   Qraggius(Aldonjuli) advisor and spend number of years creating demi plane failed and left a stain on his career. The exalted illuminator that commissioned the demi plane became lame when entering. Was an attempted cover up. The demiplane was already being worked on 50 years before this. quote " I hardly see it [Fogfull] as a failure. Yes the originally purpose was not achieved, but given the instability any successful implementation of demi-planar magic without more than reasonable collateral damage is a great achievement. If people are unable to see that then their opinion on such complicated arcane matters must be dismissed out of hand."   The legion first known sighting 2700's allegiances unclear serve god of death ball merkle shar. In its inception public force to stand up against magic atrocities. All members have a ring that makes members corpses useless. links them to locations that mages died during mystic death.   Other mages listed from this era (Alexandra Achillius - missing, Bruherd Hune - Missing, Valas Son - missing, Razahl - Killed 2831 (claimed to kill UNAMED), Alor Freeborn - Killed 2870 (claimed to killed Qragg), Amnellaes Iqill (co-founder of Order of the Fearless) Killed 2915 (claimed to killed Qragg), Isirtia Homehell Died 3019 (claimed to kill UNAMED and Qragg)   No record of the one known as Jerko.   Aldonjuli was documented as being a lethal dueler during the mage killer era.


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