Black Mystia Physical / Metaphysical Law in Mystimon Saga | World Anvil

Black Mystia

Also known as Evil Mystia, Black Mystia is a dark and corrupt force, the direct polar opposite of White Mystia. While White Mystia is the power of life magic, Black Mystia is the power of death magic. This dark force feeds off of the very souls of the dead, and corrupts the user beyond recognition, both mind and body.   The Black Mystia Arts are very much forbidden by Council Law, yet the Sechi Legion do not adhere to these laws, caring not for the consequences of using this death magic. They have constructed secret devices scattered all about the world, hidden in plain sight, to imprison and contain the souls of all those that they kill and use these souls to generate their evil Black Mystia. They call these dark and insidious devices, Soul Crevices, and they have tipped the very balance of Mystia through out the entire Multiverse. No longer is there any balance, only chaos. And Black Mystia feeds off of this chaos and grows ever more powerful with each passing day. If this chaos is not stopped and balance restored, it could very well destroy the Flow itself. Is there no hope in sight?


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