Elion the Arcanist

Elion Martos Sendartan, the Arcanist

Physical Description

General Physical Condition

At the venerable age of 273, my physical form presents the typical characteristics of a Jendean mage. I stand at a modest height, with a physique that, while not imposing, is maintained through the regular, disciplined practice of magical arts.

Apparel & Accessories

My attire is typically that of a traditional mage, robes of deep rich colors, often adorned with symbols and runes of power.

Mental characteristics

Personal history

I am a mage of considerable experience and knowledge. My early years were spent in the city of Lorehaven. My family, a lineage of esteemed Jendean mages, instilled in me a profound respect for the arcane arts. My life has been dedicated to the pursuit of magical knowledge, wuth a particular interest in ancient spells and artifacts.


I'm a retired mage that takes on commission work as needed.

Personality Characteristics


My primary motivation is the acquisition and dissemination of arcane knowledge. I am driven by the desire to uncover lost magical secrets and to ensure that this knowledge is preserved and passed on to future generations. I am willing to undertake extensive research, explore ancient ruins, and engage in scholarly debates to achieve these ends.

Virtues & Personality perks

I am often described as scholarly and reserved, with a demeaner that some might preceive as aloof. My dedication to the arcane arts is unwavering, and I approach my studies and teachings with a meticulous, analytical mindset. While I am not devoid of humoe, my jokes are often laced with scholarly references. My strengths lie in my vast knowledge and my ability to remain composed in challening situations.

Vices & Personality flaws

In the pursuit of knowledge, I can be single-minded, often at the expense of social interactions and relationships. My critical nature can be off-putting, and I have been accused of being overly pedantic. Additionally, my focus on the theoretical aspects of magic sometimes leads me to underestimate the practical implications of my work.


Contacts & Relations

My interactions with others are promarily academic in nature. I maintain a network of scholarly contacts and am respecited in academic circles. While i do not often engage in close personal relationships, I hold a deep respect for those who seek knowledge and show a genuine interest in the arcane arts. My approach to relationships is often pragmatic, valuing intellectual compatibility and a shared passion for learning.
A piercing shade of emerald, reflect a lifetime of arcane study. They tend to swirl with magic.
Once a deep shade of chestnut, now bears the distinguished mark of age, predominantly silver.
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
Pale white from too many indoor rituals and magical studies.
5' 9"
180 lbs
Known Languages
  • Common
  • Jendean
  • Pyrodraken
  • Aetherian
  • Galelet
  • Sakonan

Cover image: Mystoria World Header by Kat Sanders with MidJourney AI
Character Portrait image: Elion the Arcanist by Kat Sanders & MidJourney AI


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