Pyra Stormrider

Pyra Stormrider

Physical Description

General Physical Condition

I'm in my late fifties, with a strong and resilient frame that's a testament to years of working with natural elements. My hair is white-blond and my eyes are a warm, glowing amber. I usually wear practical, comfortable clothes suited for a hedge witch - robes and tunics in earthy tones, often adorned with symbols of healing and protection.

Mental characteristics

Personal history

I was born and raised in Zephyr's Haven, a small but vibrant town in the country of Windwhistle Waste. Growning up, I was always fascinated by the mystical energies that flow through our worlds. My family has a long history of being connected to the elemental  forces, particularly fire. As a young Pyrodrakes, I was drawn to the art of hedge witchery, blwnding our fiery nature with the nurturing aspects of healing and protection. My goal has always been to use my abilites to help others, and my dream is to see my family, especially my son, Blaze, and granddaughter, Ember, thrive in a peaceful and balanced Mystoria.

Personality Characteristics


My primary motivation is the well-being of my family, especially my granddaughter, Ember, who is battling the Frostfall disease. I'm determined to find a cure for her, using all my knowledge and skill as a hedge witch. I' willing to explore every possible remedy, no matter how unconventional, to save her.

Virtues & Personality perks

I'm known for my kindness and wisdom. I have a nurturing spirit, always ready to lend an ear or helping hand. I'm also quite brave when it comes to defending my loved ones or standing up for what I blieve in. My strengths lie in my healing abilities and deep understanding of the magical energies around Zephyr's Haven.

Vices & Personality flaws

I can be a bit set in my ways, resistant to change or new ideas. My protective nature sometimes borders on overbearing, eespecially when it comes to my family. I also tend to worry a lot, which can be exhausting for both myself and those around me.


Contacts & Relations

I have a strong sense of community and have a good relationship with other residents of Zephyr's Haven. I don't ahve any real enemies, but I'm wary of those who misuse magic or threaten the balance of Mystoria.

Family Ties

My relationship with my son, Blaze, is one of deep love and mutual respect, though sometimes we clash due to our strong wills. My bond with Ember is incredibly special. She the light of my life, and I'd do anything for her.
Current Residence
warm, glowing amber
white-blonde hair
5' 8"
125 lbs
Known Languages
  • Common
  • Pyrodraken

Cover image: Mystoria World Header by Kat Sanders with MidJourney AI
Character Portrait image: Pyra Stormrider by Kat Sanders & MidJourney AI


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