The Arcane Circle Organization in Mythador | World Anvil
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The Arcane Circle


Imperator - Head of the Assembly   High Arcanist - Four mages in the Imperator's inner circle   Arcanist - Senior mages who have been accepted into the order   Master of .... - Mages who are well accomplished in their field of study and show a great affinity for magic who were invited to join the organization


Members of the Steel Assembly are curious and often obsessed with gaining magical knowledge, within the boundaries of ethical Arcane practices. They are constantly on the lookout for any potentially dangerous experiments that might threaten the delicate balance of the world. They are a strange mix of arrogant and cautious.

Public Agenda

The Steel Assembly exists to regulate the arcane activities within Archren (and now Ardent), in order to ensure that nothing like the Epoch of Peril ever happens again. They are especially known for cracking down on Voidomancy, and destroying any and all information regarding the practice that they can get their hands on. They are often hated and despised by jealous mages who were unable to make the cut, or unscrupulous mages who dislike the Assembly's meddling in their affairs. The Assembly can on occasion be a little too harsh on what may be considered forbidden knowledge, but for the most part their existence is necessary to keep disaster at bay.


They have the ear of the King, and the Imperator is traditionally granted a place among his inner circle of advisors.  Mages who wear the blue and silver robes of the Steel Assembly carry a certain authority with them wherever they go, and are easily granted an audience with authority figures.


The Steel Assembly was created in the years following the end of the Epoch of Peril, and then contained all the mages left in the area. It was originally meant as a way to preserve what little Arcane knowledge remained after the devastation caused by the demons' incursion, but the question soon arose of what to do with the dangerous practice of Voidomancy. There were still a few Voidomancers left, including the notable Shiev (famous member of the Avenging Angels), who's efforts were crucial in helping to close the doors to the abyss. The debate raged for many years, eventually leading to a permanent ban on the practice, and the destruction of all the information on Voidomancy that they Assembly could find. From then on, the Steel Assembly became more focused on discussions of Arcane Ethics and figuring out what kinds of arcane practices were dangerous, and what was acceptable. The Assembly eventually banded together with the Archivists of Cliffton and the philosophers of the Order of Wisdom and continues to work closely with them to this day. The current leader of the Assembly is Imperator Sinedh Ridish, an older Half-orc Diviner.

Magic is dangerous and must be controlled, some knowledge is forbidden and must stay unknown

Founding Date
About 3455
Geopolitical, Magocracy
Alternative Names
The Circle, The Mage Circle
Government System
Parent Organization

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