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Large, flying creatures in lizard form. They are typically twice the size of a horse, with wingspans of about twice their body length. They are highly intelligent and curious, but also very reclusive. They live on the other side of the Crescent Mountains, with guards on the peaks, watching Eladrid.

Basic Information


The Body is like a cross between a lizard and a snake, sinuous and long. They have four long limbs, with three clawed hands and feet. Their wings are long and strong, folding neatly back along their spine. They have long, sweeping horns growing out of their heads, and a long snout with sharp, curving teeth.

Biological Traits

Weigh between 1800 to 2600 lb. Males have longer horns and spines, while Females have more delicate features and shorter horns. Colors range from crystalline to fiery, but never dull, except in the case of ancient Great Wyrms. Spines, crests, and webbing are all possible traits which exist in any number of configurations. Wing shapes range from bat-like, to bird-like, to fin-like. Some are long and elegant while others are more powerful and sturdy. Breath weapons range from cold flames, to ice, to stone melting acid.

Genetics and Reproduction

Wyrmkind hatch from eggs laid to rest on the tops of the Crystal Peaks, after a formation period of 6 months. Once the egg is laid, it takes approximately 10 years to hatch.

Growth Rate & Stages

Wyrmlings are similar in most respects to their adult forms, but with barely developed wings and soft scales. They are approximately the size of a small dog, and just as playful. This stage lasts approximately 25 years.   Fledglings have wings that are just beginning to be able to bear their weight, and scales that are hard to the touch, though not impenetrable. Size ranges from that of a great dane to that of a small horse. Beginning stages of flight and magical abilities beginning to manifest. This stage lasts approximately 30 years.   Lesser Wyrms have completely developed wings, full control of their abilities, and range from the size of one to one and a half horses. Lasts approximately 15 years.   Mature adults have complete and practiced control over their abilities, fully developed horns and scales, and have reached full grown size. This stage lasts approximately 200-300 years.   Great Wyrms have reached a ripe and mature age and are known for their wisdom and knowledge. Their scales are as hard as rock and have lost most of their color, and they spend most of their time lying about the peaks and soaking up the sunlight. Ancient Wyrms spend most of their time in the Spiritual Realm, and it may take some prodding to get them to respond. This stage lasts from about age 300-400 until death.

Ecology and Habitats

Wyrms prefer a colder habitat and a higher altitude, as close to the stars as possible. The peaks of the Crescent Mountains are the most ideal location on Suleria.

Dietary Needs and Habits

Wyrms feast on light, preferably of stars. They absorb the light through their scales and eyes. Some also chew on crystal and rock occasionally when they desire a more physical experience.

Additional Information

Social Structure

There is no perceived leader, but the wisdom of the eldest of the wyrms is heeded by all. Their young are cared for by all mature wyrms for a period of time. Each member chooses a calling that interests them, and will perform that job for as long as they must. If a time comes for them to change it, they will bring their request before the elders through use of the Spiritual Realm.

Facial characteristics

More delicate scale patterns around eyes and mouth. Long snout with reptilian features. Eyes that glow in the dark.

Geographic Origin and Distribution

Around the North side, and on the peaks of, the Crescent Mountains

Average Intelligence

Extremely smart.

Perception and Sensory Capabilities

Extremely good eyesight, able to see great distances, and in extremely low light. Physically present in both the Spiritual and Physical realms, allowing them to sense presences and thoughts, and communicate with each other over any distance.

Civilization and Culture

Naming Traditions

Candrath   Randyr   Rhinnith   Shildress   Aesin   Ember   Piray   Nola

Beauty Ideals

Females - Delicate facial features and eye scales. Elegantly curved spines and horns. Delicate wing membranes. Crystalline Colors   Males - Chiseled features and swirling scale patterns. Sharply pointed spines and horns. Rougher Wing Membranes. Brighter colors.

Courtship Ideals

The Female is expected to initiate courtship, beginning with light conversations and gentle brushes of wingtips, progressing naturally through many years to nuzzling and extended body contact. Courting rituals include flights, playful contests, and displays of strength and prowess.

Relationship Ideals

A working partnership, where each party has a healthy respect for the other, with shared responsibilities. Partners are expected to work together, or at the very least spend a large amount of time together.

Major Language Groups and Dialects

Startongue, Wyrmspeech.

Common Etiquette Rules

Inclined heads indicate respect or greeting. Rustled wings indicate worry or stress. Entwined tails are a mark of engagement. It is considered polite not to snoop in other's thoughts when you are not contacting them, and not to interrupt but to wait until they are done speaking.

Common Customs, Traditions and Rituals

A traditional joining ceremony consists of a climb to the top of the tallest peak, followed by speaking vows of love in the ancient tongue, and ending with the great Starflight.   The Final Flight is a tradition where elder Wyrms who are about to pass on fly off alone into the wild. No one knows where they go, but it is said that they follow some instinct or inner voice, and you will know when your time comes.

Common Taboos

It is forbidden for any Wyrm to cross the Crescent Mountains without permission or without remaining concealed. Contact between Wyrmkind and any other residents of Suleria is forbidden until they are either discovered or the Spirits of the Land decide the time is right.   Assault of a guest is Forbidden, whether Wyrm or non-Wyrm.   Spying upon another's thoughts or conversation is Forbidden.


The wyrms traveled to Mythador from a place beyond the stars, through use of flight aided by passing through the Spiritual Realm. The reason for leaving their homeward has been lost to the depths of time, but it is clear that they are not beings of this planet. Upon arriving in Mythador, the Wyrms were met by a delegation consisting of both Elemental and Wild Spirits who had sensed their coming through the elemental realm. After a period of negotiations, the Wyrm were given an area to live in, with the provision that they would stay hidden for a period of time, during which they would watch and learn, preparing themselves for the day in which they would come out of hiding and join the other intelligent species of Mythador.

Historical Figures

Laira - the one who led her people to the new world.   Egulth - The first wyrm to write   Frule - Last great King of Wyrmkind, the father of Laira, who remained behind to give his people time to escape.   Soris - the first to map the Spiritual Realm.   Quartz - Explorer of the new world. Rumored to have wrestled with a great snowy bear atop one of the crystalline peaks.

Common Myths and Legends

Ennes the SunWyrm - a Wyrm who determined to visit the Sun and see the wonders hidden there by the stars. Returned victorious, but was ever after blinding to look upon and was unsatisfied with the light which reached Earth.   Tales of the Stars - their names, personalities, and their interactions with legendary members of Wyrmkind.   The legendary exodus from another World - Legend has it that their world was swallowed by darkness, snuffing out the light of the stars, and that they were pursued across the heavens by danger as they fled.

Interspecies Relations and Assumptions

They have great respect for the Elemental and Wild Spirits. There has been more contact with the Elemental Spirits due to their very nature, but there are several rumored contacts with the Primal Wolf.   Though they know of the existence of the Lord of Madness, they do not associate with either him or his minions.   They are confused by the Frenzied Folk, and do not understand their motivations or culture.   They are most intrigued by the humans of Mythador, who's culture is both somehow different and similar to their own at the same time. It is they who have been watched the most closely throughout the centuries, and they are the ones the Wyrms plan on revealing themselves to first when they are allowed to do so.
Over 500 Years
Average Height
11' tall.
Average Weight
Around 2000 lb.
Average Length
Around 20' long including tail.
Average Physique
Lean and Fit.
Body Tint, Colouring and Marking
Brilliant, flashing scales, in various bright colors. Some are multicolored. Lighter markings around snout, legs, belly, and tip of tail and wings.

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