Creator God (god)

Creator Gods are the divine figures who appeared at the start of this universe and shaped its beginnings.   These Gods are some of the most powerful beings still within Mytharia's Multiverse, only truly rivaled by the primordials, some of their oldest creations, the titans, and some powerful ascendant gods.

Basic Information


Every Creator God is different in the physical form they take and they all have the ability to alter this form, with it also being unconsciously altered by the perceptions of those who believe in and worship them.   The basic anatomy of most Creator Gods is similar to humanoids with 2 arms, 2 legs, a torso, and a head. Most will also give themselves appendages needed to consort with other beings.

Genetics and Reproduction

Some Creator Gods are busy with reproduction. How exactly they conduct this varies from Creator God to Creator God, but it is very common for them to shack up with humanoids and create demigods. Their genetics do carry over and usually offer some natural gifts to their offspring.   Creator Gods can also wield the power of creation to create new beings from their imagination. This power of creation has weakened since the entropy war, but it is still something they possess to an extent.


The exact behaviours of the Creator Gods vary, and their psychologies all vary, but there are some things each has in common. Every Creator God wants to be worshipped, it gives them strength. Some of the Creator Gods from the winning side of the entropy war roam the material plane and spread the gospel of their churches, while those on the losing side grant visions from their prisons, leading their followers to do that which they wish. Most however still stay distant, choosing the occasional champion, granting the occasional vision, and causing the occasional plague.

Additional Information

Social Structure

Some view the Creator Gods as one large extended family. Some have little relation to one another, some are tight-knit groups, and some have husbands and wives in one another.   There are 3 tiers of power among the Creator Gods relating to the amounts of followers and worshippers they posess, this then relates to the amount of champions they are able to have out in the world. It is believed that if a Creator God loses all its followers it will in turn lose all its power.     The most powerful of the Creator Gods, are the greater creators who still retain a large amount of their power and may still shape and create on a whim.   The middle of the Creator Gods, are the intermediate creators. They still have a massive amount of power that mortals may not wish to trifle with, but it is a far cry from that which they once posessed before the entropy war.   The least powerful of the Creator Gods, are the lesser creators. While still powerful, they have lost most of their strength and have much smaller followings than they once did. Mortals still should not pick fights with these Creator Gods, but with enough strength and power on their side, they might get the upper hand.

Perception and Sensory Capabilities

Most Creator Gods possess the basic 5 senses of Hearing, Sight, Smell, Taste, and Touch. They all have their own forms of divine magic, and some have psionic powers. They also all have a limited form of omniscience. A Creator God is not aware of everything happening all at once, but if someone prays to them they can hear it and they can peer through the eyes of their chosen champions at will. A Creator God may also give visions to any it chooses, and appear in an astral projection to these chosen.

Civilization and Culture

Gender Ideals

Creator Gods are above the basic ideas of genders. Their forms change at their whims and they all have the genders they prefer, or for some no preference at all.


In the begining, there was nothing.   Then the Creator Gods arrived. Some say the Creator Gods came from another world where they created this one and came to it to become gods of creation. Some say they were but mortals ascended, and some say their ability to create this world was a reward of some kind. Others say the Creator Gods just sprung into existance inside our universe and decided to go forth as its creators.   They created beautiful things, they created the one world together with its diverse landscape and creatures. It was a paradise. Before humanoids, the Creator Gods created the titans, powerful beings above any to be created after and varied in their shapes and forms. Then the primordials arrived. Where they came from and what exactly their origin being widely debated much like Creator Gods own origins. It's often theorised that the primordials were already here before the Creator Gods. The Creator Gods greeted them with open arms, and they created together, adding more and more to the one world. The primordials created the elemental portions, air, water, earth, fire, out on the outskirts of the one world. These places were wild with creativity, and eventually, the primordials discovered destruction.   Most primordials found that they enjoyed destruction far more than creation, and they began destroying that which had been created. The Creator Gods took notice, and some of them tried this destruction and enjoyed it. The Creator Gods and primordials fractured into two factions, some on each side, and a war broke out.   This war lasted more than 2 thousand years, which seemed much shorter a time, while still being long to these deific beings. In the end, creation won out, but not before most other life was wiped out. At the end of the entropy war, the one world was split into the Planescape of Mytharia known today.   The Creator Gods killed most of the primordials, and locked others away among the planes. The Creator Gods reshaped this planescape into a hierarchy and made travelling up from below night impossible. But every now and again something small finds a path through the cracks.   Some of the Creator Gods who remained on the winning side stayed on the material planes, but most transcended to their own world above. like the world they banished their adversaries to below.

Interspecies Relations and Assumptions

Creator Gods consort with other species all the time. They can change their form to disguise themselves, but their divinity will still shine through in any products of these relations. Some frown upon it, but most partake.


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