The Abundance

The Abundance is a rare condition that happens among witches and sparked individuals wherein they are born with more magic than their body can handle. The individuals body is not built for magic which causes them to go insane as the magic overtakes them and as they use more and more.


Abundance is caused by overabundnace of magic that the body is not prepared to handle. The condition is more common in areas affected by The Planaclysm. It is a genetic defect wherein the body is not prepared for the amount of magic present within it. It can happen when someone has more magic than the average person, or when someone is born with poor magic filtration or resistence.


A creature afflicted with the abundance is gifted with magic beyond the average witch, but accursed with a body unable to handle all the energy. Creatures are commonly afflicted with great fatigue after casting, along with pain and sometimes rupturing and scarring on the skin of the casting area. Some have compared the effects to excessive drinking of Titan Blood. Due to not having a body built to handle magic, it will eat away at the body with each casting.   In particularly extreme cases, cursed energy and magic will eat away at the soul and cause the creature to go insane overtime, snapping once their soul is burned away.
Chronic, Congenital
Extremely Rare


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