
The aarakocra are a short-lived avian race of humanoids that hail from the far-Western lands of Nishji and the Reikasu Shogunate. In their homelands, aarakocra are second-class citizens, and live as a vassalized society.

Basic Information

Growth Rate & Stages

Aarakocra spend just over a year in incubation and reach physical maturity as early as the age of 6. The natural lifespan of an adult aaracokra is generally about 30-50 years old.

Ecology and Habitats

Aarakocra flourish in warm and coastal climates, and in high altitudes. However, the aarakocra of Mythellion are not accustomed to extremely cold climates, and can suffer exhaustion, disease or even become comatose in such temperatures without the proper clothing.