Efen Irenloc

Efen Irenloc

Efen is an idealist and would-be revolutionary. The only child of a locksmith in Grenndale, she was quite a troublemaker, pranking guards and such. She eventually became the apprentice of Aria Windhart, an experienced rogue, in the hopes of joining the Resistance against the Empire.

Physical Description

Identifying Characteristics

A small old scar over her right eyebrow.

Apparel & Accessories

A pair of earrings in both ears

Mental characteristics


A basic education. Literate and can do basic math.


Trained by her parents to be a locksmith. Secretly apprenticed with Aria Windhart

Failures & Embarrassments

When she and Rebecca accidentally set Godminver on fire when they tried to destroy an arms factory. This resulted in the death of her childhood friend, Wrenne.

Mental Trauma

Being responsible for her friend's death.


Family Ties

Her parents still live in Grenndale

Religious Views

Areligious and definitely not a fan of the Cult of the Oracle

Wealth & Financial state

She set off with no money

Idealist revolutionary rogue in training, she left her home to save her mentor and got involved with a group of ex-cons who escaped the empire's prison. She is rather accident prone and has made enough serious mistakes to take the edge off her optimism.

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Chaotic Good
Light brown
Reddish brown
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
Slightly tanned