
Until recently, Godminver was a major manufacturing city for advanced weapons employed by the Empire of Shar. When the Empire took over the region and established a presence in the city, the various smiths in the city had two options: divert all of their efforts to meeting the insane demand of the Imperial war machine, or be dissolved into those who will. In the end, three major manufacturing smiths remained: Bulion Smiths, Tallis Industries and Gressel House Forging.   Recent involvement in the local resistance movement by the Steel Eye resulted in a massive explosion at Tallis Industries, destroying the factory and a significant portion of infrastructure for the town itself. In response, the Cult of the Oracle and Imperial forces were able to root out the Steel Eye and publicly humiliate them, retrieving the Eye of the Oracle, but the city's production has been massively affected nonetheless.


  • Godminver
    A chief supplier of arms and weapons in Southern Shar, the competing industries of Godminver all vie to provide firearms for the Empire's coin.
Large town
Owning Organization