Half Elves

Half elves (or half-humans in elvish) are the common demonym for people born of human and elven parents. While both humans and elves are able to breed with most mortal races, the parings between the two have a successful birth rate comparable to pure-bred people of either species. Half elves in Mythellion are generally praised and even idolized by their human peers for their seemingly effortless talent and beauty, while many elven cultures view them as children to be nurtured.

Basic Information

Growth Rate & Stages

As one might expect, the lifespan and maturity rate of half elves lies between the two extremes of their parent races. Physical maturity in half elves comes closer to their human parents, with most half elves reaching physical adulthood in their mid-20s, while their elven blood allows them to live up to 200 years.
160-200 years
Average Height
Average Weight