
Humanity is both the shortest-lived of all the common races and also the most widespread, dominating over half the known world.

Basic Information

Growth Rate & Stages

Humankind mature and die quicker than any of the major widespread races throughout the world (though some less common species do have shorter lifespans). This has caused them to be extremely active and largely unpredictable on the political and technological landscape for millennia, where new generations rise and fall in the time of a single life for other races, and humans looking to have an impact on the world have a relatively short amount of time to do so. Humans are also noted, particularly by elves and dwarves, to be fairly "front loaded" on their maturation cycle, spending the majority of their lifespans as more or less fully grown adults.

Ecology and Habitats

Humanity is the most ecologically adaptive of the common races, and thus was spread far across the world from an early time. Living relatively short life spans, human tribes adapted to nearly every kind of environment across the world over a series of generations while the more long-lived races were forced to settle in a more hospitable environment for their kind. While humankind has become secondary or even subservient to other races in many parts of the world, in many kingdoms, especially towards the center of the continent, humanity thrived and became the dominant species in the region.