Lord Knar Rolkar

Knar Rolkar is an ancient undead kobold rune mage aligned with the Circle of Black. He is extremely intelligent, a powerful mage, and a patient chess master, and was responsible for orchestrating a large number of disappearances (and, it was discovered, homicides) in the city of Comyard.


Born centuries ago as a simple kobold, Knar understood and dreaded the insignificance of his own existence. Utilizing what little resources he had access to, he attempted to teach himself the arcane arts in a bid to extend his life indefinitely. Ultimately, he failed, becoming only a middling mage in life, but his efforts and his potential caught the eye of Lady Devora, benefactor of the Circle of Black. She restored him to a form of intelligent undeath, leaving him now with untold centuries to learn and expand his knowledge. With this new life, he adopted the name Rolkar, and began his work within the Circle of Black.

Contact with the Steel Eye

It was not until attempting to disable the death rune in the Comyard church that the Steel Eye discovered the person responsible for the local disappearances was, in fact, a kobold all along. Despite this, the self-proclaimed "Lord Rolkar" seems to be well spoken, educated and informed, and has proven a canny adversary for the party.

The mysterious kobold runecaster responsible for the Comyard murders. Intelligent, powerful, and deadly.
