Pianzian Silver Lances

The Silver Lances are an elite knightly order of eagle riders hailing from the Diocese of Pianzia. Drawn from members of other Pianzian knightly orders who have proven their skill, discipline and mettle, the silver lances launch devastating airborne charges deep within enemy lines before retreating to the skies.



Because of their prestige, effectiveness and general risk, the Silver Lances are granted some of the most valuable equipment in the Pianzian military. It is true that their lances are crafted of silver- at least in part, for the silver is woven into mithril along the entire weapon and the full of each Silver Lance's plate armor. The weapons and armor are then enchanted, first with a basic power enchantment and once again with a secret spell of Pianzian design, special to the Silver Lances. Finally, each member of the Silver Lances is expected to raise and train their own giant eagle, which are procured in the Whitepeak Mountains. Because of the great expense, the gear of each Silver Lance is treated as a sacred relic, and is expected to be maintained and passed down to future members.


The extreme time and financial investment that goes into the Silver Lances is in direct response to the danger of their assigned role. When battle is joined, the Silver Lances take into the air, first seeking out and hunting down any airborne creatures or magic may have a potential of standing in their way. Once the skies are clear, the Silver Lances launch a series of hit-and-run charges deep into enemy lines, softening up exposed positions and pulling out the pegs of the enemy command structure. Because they often find themselves deep within enemy lines, this is an extremely dangerous role, and only entrusted to the most proven of warriors.


No creed or title lets one join the Silver Lances directly, nor any heir or title allows one to be born into it. The Silver Lances are comprised exclusively of knights selected from other knightly orders, or, in extremely rare cases, outside warriors of exceptional worth. The only metric for this invitation is the personal selection by the High Marshall, although historically the Silver Lances have nearly always inducted those of extraordinary deed rather than those of high rank or title.   This may be a boon for some, because when you join the Silver Lances, you are stripped of your title and temporarily of your holdings, treated a fresh blood once again. To prove yourself worthy of your new title, or any title, a fresh Silver Lance must travel to the Whitepeak Mountains and steal the eggs of a giant eagle, to be trained as their own mount. Recruits are allowed to travel in groups as large as twelve, but are only provided the most basic equipment, without any support or coin of any kind to aid them on their quest. Those that return alive (and with their future steed in one piece) are re-knighted, granted a portion of their holdings and begin their life as a Silver Lance.   From there, it is a life of discipline and regimen, though sometimes Silver Lances in training are deployed on horseback to deal with threats too minor for a full military response, but too great for a local garrison. Prayer, combat training, study and bonding with their eagle become a part of daily life for a Silver Lance, even as they rise and rank and are allowed to conduct any lordly duties previously entrusted tot hem.
Overall training Level
Assumed Veterancy