Brief History of Mythellion

A summary timeline on the known history of Mythellion.

Age of the Empire

4991 and beyond

When it had started to feel as though the Kingdoms and their lords that squabbled over the world's riches would be the eternal status quo, the appearance of The Oracle in The Principality of Shar changed everything. The newly-formed Empire's unstoppable conquest overwhelmed all who opposed them, and seemingly in an instant they had wrested control of over half the world.

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    The Oracle Appears
    Religious event

    While the nature of its appearance and origin are still highly debated by scholars across the world, the holy book of the Cult of the Oracle, "Insight," states this as being the first contact their people made with the Oracle, and the beginning of the third era.

    More reading
    Cult of the Oracle
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    The Steel Eye begin their journey

    The band of prisoners that would form together to be known as the Steel Eye make their escape, and begin their adventure.