Alice Cameron Character in Mythic AU RP Group | World Anvil
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Alice Cameron

Alice is a Unicorn played by Lost-In-Progres   Full ref can be viewed here.

Physical Description

General Physical Condition

Alice is actually quite short in all her forms. She's also a bit on the thin side, although not underweight.

Body Features

She has horse ears and a unicorn horn, even in her humanoid form. For the rest, there isn't much special about her.

Facial Features

There are 3 thin stripes on each of her cheeks.

Identifying Characteristics

her horn as a gradient on it which goes from pink to purple to blue. Her horn is also smooth and not ridged and has half a sun "carved" on it near the bottom. She isn't quite sure how it got there, as it has been there her entire life.

Apparel & Accessories

Her usual outfit consists of a frilly pink and blue dress, two different socks (One blue sock that goes a little above her knee, and a purple one going to just below it), pink sneakers and a simple piece of fabric tied around her left arm. She also loves hoodies though and will sometimes wear a hoodie instead of her usual clothes, especially in winter.

Mental characteristics

Personal history

Alice's mother died soon after she was born. Her father raised her on his own, but despite that, she had a pretty happy childhood. She often didn't get everything she wanted, due to her father struggling to make enough money to support them, but because of that she also learned to treasure the things she did get.   In school, she was actually a rather terrible student. Her teacher would often complain she never paid any attention and would instead be drawing a lot. Alice, however, loved drawing and continued to do so every day. By the time she finished high school Alice had decided she wanted to do art as her actual job. This did concern her father who had always hoped she'd have a well-paying job so she wouldn't be in the same situation he was in. Alice soon assured him that she'd be fine though.   She didn't go to college. She personally found it a waste of time and money. She eventually did find a small game studio to work for, and she now does game art which wasn't really her original plan but she still loves to do it.

Gender Identity

Female (her/hers)




High school diploma


Does game art for a small, rather unknown studio

Intellectual Characteristics

Knows a lot about games and game development because of her job. Also sometimes knows which games are being produced at the moment before the rest of the public does.

Personality Characteristics


Although it might sound a little cheesy, all Alice really wants is to make her father proud.

Likes & Dislikes

Naturally, Alice loves anything art related. She also loves nature though, especially rivers, and often goes outside just to be outside. She hates all technology besides her art tablet though since she isn't sure of how to use them and always ends up doing something wrong to break it.


Contacts & Relations

She currently does not know anyone in this AU :c

Family Ties

The only current living family Alice has is her father. She has a very strong bond with him, and always makes sure to visit him at least once a week.
Neutral good
Thin, but not underweight
Quotes & Catchphrases
My life isn't perfect, but I am thankfull for everything I have
Known Languages
English, some Dutch and a few words of french.

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Character Portrait image: by Unicorn Prinzess


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