Chimera Species in Mythic AU RP Group | World Anvil
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Written with help from Snowpix
Chimeras are racial hybrids created by unnatural means. They are usually the result of magical experiments in fusing multiple species together, or scientific attempts that have gone too far. Unlike natural hybrids, their bodies are not a smooth blend of the races in their heritage- for a chimera, different limbs come from different races, giving them a sewn-together or patchwork appearance. Furthermore, many races cannot hybrid at all through natural means, but chimeras can be a combination of any species.   Chimera have all of the Racial Abilities of the races that they are made from. However, since their bodies are an assemblage of different races, only those parts of their bodies can use those abilities. For example, if their arm came from a shapeshifting race, they can only shapeshift their arm. They will never have the full ability of any one creature.

Civilization and Culture

Interspecies Relations and Assumptions

Chimeras are extremely rare and are looked upon with a mix of curiosity and fear.

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