Gabe Ren Character in Mythic AU RP Group | World Anvil
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Gabe Ren


Gabriel Thiago Ren (a.k.a. Gabe)

Gabe is a Golem modeled after the Witch race, though he has little magical ability.   His main profile can be viewed here.     Finds himself in situations that result in his "death" way more often than a normal person should. Most people think he's just clumsy. Unbeknownst to everyone, he's just the target of Lael Arakawa being trigger happy with her Banshee Curse.

Physical Description

General Physical Condition

Gabe could be described as some sort of plastic robot, or maybe a living doll. His movements and features are realistic and lifelike, only occasionally setting off uncanny valley alarms in others. He appears more normal from a distance.

Body Features

Gabe was built with an aluminum internal structure for stability. The rest of his body is a thick resin cast, medium tan in color. To allow for movement and expressiveness, part of his face is instead made of a flexible silicone.   He has some back up parts made of various other materials, and may even resort to clay in an emergency. His hair is synthetic but realistic.

Facial Features

His face is a tall rectangle, his features square. He has a wide nose and a widow's peak. He has a light beard which he decided to "grow out" when he started college, which actually involved hiring a sculpter to have it put in.

Identifying Characteristics

Gabe's most unique feature is the stone on his forehead and the lines that cross section his face. Although that's actually pretty common for golems.

Physical quirks

Gabe is one of those weirdos who is left handed.

Apparel & Accessories

Has kind of terrible fashion sense. Wears a lot of polos, blazers, and T-shirts that don't always match wrll.

Mental characteristics

Personal history

Gabe was created by his parents, both Witches, and raised exactly as if he were a human child. He was raised in Peurto Rico for the first part of his life, his father's home and the place his parents met, then moved to the States in middle school. Around high school his parents went back to focusing on their careers, and his father moved to D.C. to work on some secret government computer engineering project he can't tell anyone else. He moved to nearby Drenville to attend college for Cyber Security.

Gender Identity



Heteroromantic, asexual (not just because he's a golem)


Currently pursuing some sort of degree in Cyber Security.


Interns with a reputable cyber security company during breaks in school, probably a shoe-in for a job there at graduation.

Intellectual Characteristics

Very logical and intelligent. Solves problems with his head.

Morality & Philosophy

Gabe has a very clear sense of right and wrong, and isn't afraid to enforce it on others. Probably doesn't help that his mom is a cop.

Personality Characteristics


Has a bit of a vigilante problem. Always thinking of ways he can help other people, and on the watch for trouble he can break up. Very influenced by the careers of his parents, aspires to something similar.


Hobbies & Pets

Does theater, which takes up most of his free time.
Lawful Good
Year of Birth
1997 21 Years old
Peurto Rico
Technically none, modeled to be male
Known Languages
English, somewhat fluent in Spanish.

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