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Knights of the Round Table

The order of adventurers and warriors who serve Arthur, and protect Lloegyr from any threat. They recruit from all nations and peoples. They are headquartered in Avalon.


Notable Members:
  • Arthur Pendragon, King of Lloegyr (Human, Paladin): The king forseen by Ambrosius and the High King of Lleogyr who helps to defend the lands. He was choosen to wield the holy sword by the Lady of the Lake. He is one of the most influential people in Prydain. 
  • Gwenifyr, Queen of Lloegyr (Human, Fighter): The warrior queen who united northern Lloegyr to southern Lloegyr upon marrying Arthur. she is a powerful warrior who helps lead the knights. 
  • Lanslod Lok, Knight of the Lake (Demigod, Rogue): The best friend of Arthur and Gwenifyr. He is the second in command and the son of the Lady of the Lake. 
  • Gawain, Knight of Green (Human, Druid): Gwenifyr's sister's son with the king of Orkney. Gawain is one of the younger knights and apprentice of Peredur. He is a druid and nature loving knight. 
  • Kay, Knight of Flame (Gnome, Barbarian): Foster father of Arthur and an old knight who served Uther before Arthur. he is fair, just, honest and stern. 
  • Hector, Knight of Shadows (Gnome, Rogue): Abrooding rogue and masterful spy who was foster-brother of Arthur. He is loyal and is Arthur's eyes and ears across the isles. 
  • Bedywr, Knight of Iron (Dwarf, Artificer): The primary inventor and armorer of the kinghts who hails from the dwarven realms across the sea. 
  • Peredur, Knight of Compassion (Human, Cleric): The kind-hearted, awkward and spectrum knight who is one of the most powerful knights. 
  • Taliesain, Knight of Song (Demigod, Bard): The son of the goddess Cerridwen and the best bard in the land. He is boisterous, gregarious and artistic. 
  • Owain, Knight of Secrets (Halfling, Warlock): A private and quiet knight from halfling country who has an unknown past. He often works alone and has access to some unknown magic. 
  • Tristan, Knight of Trials (Giant, Sorcerer): A gallant and timid knight who has a natural connection to the faeries. He is a powerful magic user and husband of Sibeal. 
  • Arthur Og, Knight of Forgiveness (Half-elf, Arcane Archer): Son of King Arthur and Lanslod Lok, one of the most loyal knights and one of the youngest. Half-brother of Galath. he is the best archer in Lloegyr. 
  • Galath, Knight of Knowledge (Half-elf, Wizard): Son of Gwenifyr and Lanslod Lok, one of the youngest knights and one of the smartest. Was taught magic by Merlyn Wyllt. 
  • Erec, Knight of Ice (Giant, Sorcerer): A giant from the far north who settled in Lloegyr. She is very old and wise. Many knights look to her for advice. 
  • Sibeal, Knight of Wilds (Demigod, Druid): A dashing and honest knight from Ireland who married Tristan and joined the Knights. She is a very skilled Druid and shapeshifter. 
  • Sagremore, Knight of Anger (Trollr, Barbarian): A hot-headed troll who is bodyguaard to Gwenifyr. He is a powerful fighter known for his battle rage. 
Adventuring Party

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