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Kruphix, God of Horizons

Kruphix is the enigmatic god of mysteries, horizons, and the passage of time. His followers claim that he knows not only everything that is known at present, but everything that has ever been known by anyone.   Quiet surrounds Kruphix like a shroud. Standing apart from the other gods, he speaks rarely, even to his most favored followers. When he does communicate, it is often as a barely audible whisper. Kruphix can speak with a booming voice directly into the minds of all the other gods simultaneously, though, doing so when something threatens the cosmic order.   Kruphix’s true form is more abstract than that of any of the other gods. He appears only in star-filled silhouette, usually as a hooded, four-armed figure of indeterminate species and gender. Two of the stars in his “body” often shine brightly, suggesting eyes. Kruphix’s starry silhouette sometimes takes the form of a bird or a whale.

Kruphix’s Influence

Kruphix holds dominion over everything unseen or unknown. He is associated with the horizon—the brink of the unknown—and with navigation. His followers include scholars, sages, and a handful of sailors who have an inclination toward the mystical.   Perfect understanding is like the horizon: easy to move toward, but impossible to reach. Kruphix knows everything that has ever been known on Theros, so he and only he decides which secrets should be loosed upon the world, and which must be kept forever hidden. He has existed since before mortals occupied Theros and numbers among the few who understand the role of mortal belief in shaping the younger gods—a concept even most gods don’t fully comprehend.   Kruphix is the only being who has the ability to seal the borders between the mortal realm and Nyx. He uses this power to safeguard the mortal world from reckless divine meddling and enforce the balance of power among the gods and their faithful.   Because of his lack of followers, many mortals consider Kruphix a minor god, even obscure. To the other gods, however, he is a force within the pantheon, worthy of both respect and wariness.  

Kruphix’s Goals

More than any other god, Kruphix simply is. He seeks nothing but to oversee the acquisition of knowledge, maintain the cycles of time, and uphold the divine order. He views his fellow gods as petty and vengeful, and he opposes anyone who tries to obtain power that would upset the delicate balance of the pantheon.   Kruphix is the eldest of the gods and sees it as his responsibility to rein in the excesses of his younger siblings. Unlike Heliod, Kruphix knows that he isn’t powerful enough to impose his will unilaterally. Instead, he plays the other gods against one another and serves as a mediator in their endless disputes. He takes care to ensure that the other gods view him as impartial, which he considers essential to maintaining his authority.  

Divine Relationships

Kruphix strives to hold himself above the disputes of the gods, but like any other god, he has both rivals and allies. Chief among the former is the sun god Heliod, whom Kruphix sees as an arrogant, dangerous threat to the balance of power among the gods. He seldom acts against Heliod openly, preferring to warn others about the sun god’s efforts to seize power at their expense.   Since every mortal soul must eventually pass beyond the horizon and into death, Kruphix respects both Erebos and Athreos. He sees Erebos as a necessary check on Heliod’s power, and he even allowed Athreos to continue his vital work on the fringes of the mortal world when he bound all the other gods within the fabric of Nyx. Erebos and Kruphix blame one another for Klothys’s recent emergence from the Underworld, a situation neither seems able to control.   Purphoros loathes Kruphix for temporarily hobbling his mind following an attack against Heliod, but Kruphix holds no grudge against Purphoros. That particular punishment upset the balance too far in the other direction, and Kruphix is more likely to side with Purphoros than Heliod in the future.   Of all the gods, only Klothys truly concerns Kruphix. He hoped that she would remain secret and secluded in the Underworld, and he doesn’t know what her emergence portends. She is the only other god whose existence predates mortal belief, and though he is unlikely to draw her ire by manipulating destiny, he doesn’t know how her return will affect the pantheon.  

Worshiping Kruphix

Many pray to Kruphix when they need to find something lost, but few dedicate themselves to his worship. Cults devoted to Kruphix fiercely guard their secrets, and their initiates refrain from drawing attention to themselves. Some followers and champions of Kruphix travel the world in secret, searching for hidden truths. Many use secret signals to enable them to find safe lodging with other worshipers nearly anywhere.   Rituals honoring Kruphix are usually performed at boundaries, both temporal and spatial: shorelines, riverbanks, equinoxes, and sunsets. One of the god’s greatest festivals is the Agrypnion (“the Watching”), which marks the end of winter and the close of the year.

Kruphix’s Champions

Alignment: Usually neutral   Suggested Classes: Bard, cleric, druid, monk, ranger, wizard   Suggested Cleric Domains: Knowledge, Trickery   Suggested Backgrounds: Hermit, outlander, sage, sailor   Most champions of Kruphix seek to learn the secrets of the universe and maintain the balance of the world. They largely view the other gods as petty and seek to separate themselves from divine squabbles.  

Kruphix’s Favor

Kruphix’s champions are less his agents than his charges, and he is loath to release them. Even those who leave his service often find themselves unwittingly aiding his agenda for years to come. How did you initially attract the god’s attention? The Kruphix’s Favor table offers a few suggestions.
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Kruphix’s Favor

1Followers of Kruphix claim you were born under a bizarre omen, but will not explain what it means.
2You were secretly instructed in the worship of Kruphix by a parent or a mentor.
3You uncovered a dangerous secret during your studies, and followers of Kruphix sought you out and recruited you to keep the knowledge within their ranks.
4Beset by strange dreams, you consulted an oracle of Kruphix. Since then, they’ve only gotten stranger.
5You wanted to learn truths that only Kruphix knows. Now you’re starting to wonder if you know too much.
6You have no idea why Kruphix showed interest in you, and you might sometimes wish he hadn’t.

Devotion to Kruphix

Kruphix doesn’t demand adherence to any philosophy, and the reasons to follow him are as numberless as the stars. As a follower of Kruphix, consider the options on the Kruphix’s Ideals table as alternatives to those suggested for your background.
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Kruphix’s Ideals

1Devotion. My devotion to my god is more important to me than what he stands for. (Any)
2Balance. Too much power in any one place is a threat to us all. (Lawful)
3Selflessness. I accept the burden of knowledge so that others don’t have to. (Good)
4Knowledge. I seek out dangerous secrets so that I can know the nature of reality. (Neutral)
5Power. The best thing about knowing a secret is getting to use it against everyone else. (Evil)
6Mystery. The cosmos is more beautiful if its greatest truths remain unknown. (Any)



Earning and Losing Piety

You increase your piety score to Kruphix when you expand the god’s influence in the world in a concrete way through acts such as these:
  • Keeping a dangerous secret despite personal cost
  • Revealing a critical truth at an important moment
  • Mediating a major dispute or conflict
  • Aiding the weak or impeding the strong
Your piety score to Kruphix decreases if you diminish Kruphix’s influence in the world, upset the balance of power, or make him look biased or petty through acts such as these:
  • Revealing a secret that should remain unknown
  • Selfishly refusing to share information
  • Showing favoritism toward any other god or group
  • Furthering the aims of another god in defiance of Kruphix’s will
  Kruphix doesn’t care about the righteousness of a cause, only about upholding impartiality in both appearance and action. This sometimes means that his followers stay out of situations that seem morally straightforward, such as refusing to help a squad of hoplites finish off a band of vicious raiders.
Kruphix’s Devotee
Piety 3+ Kruphix trait
As a devotee of Kruphix, you have proven yourself a devotee of reality’s mysteries and laws. You can cast detect magic with this trait a number of times equal to your Intelligence modifier (minimum of once). You regain all expended uses when you finish a long rest.
In addition, you know the mage hand cantrip. Intelligence is your spellcasting ability for these spells.
  Kruphix’s Votary
Piety 10+ Kruphix trait
You can cast detect thoughts with this trait, requiring no material components. Once you cast the spell in this way, you can’t do so again until you finish a long rest. Intelligence is your spellcasting ability for this spell.
In addition, you have advantage on saving throws against being charmed.
  Kruphix’s Disciple
Piety 25+ Kruphix trait
As a true champion of Kruphix, you can use your mage hand cantrip to protect yourself. While your spectral hand is within 5 feet of you, you gain a +2 bonus to your AC against ranged attacks.   Champion of Horizons
Piety 50+ Kruphix trait
You can increase your Constitution or Intelligence score by 2 and also increase your maximum for that score by 2.


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