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Theneia, Kylix of Pharika

World of Theros

Theneia, Kylix of Pharika


Legendary Artifact Requires Attunement

Pharika holds a bowl with her most potent concoctions. To
some, it is a potent poison enough to kill any mortal, to others
a cure that heals the wounds. For Pharika, it brings diseases,
poisons and death to her enemies while empowering,
healing, and bringing life to her followers. Should she grant
Thenia to a follower, it would be to save one of her own, or to
destroy someone who would target her faith and followers.
When you drink this potion you take poison damage equal
to your character level and gain the following benefits:

Libation of Affliction

After drinking this potion you
regain 2 hit points at the start of your turn for the duration of
the effect. Additionally, you gain resistance to poison damage.

Blessing of Affliction

If you are a worshiper of Pharika,
you gain all the following benefits for which you have the
required piety. For any effect given below treat yourself as the
target. For example the weapon targeted for any benefit
would be your unarmed attacks or natural weapons and for
an increase to your AC your skin hardens from the potion.
Roll these effects each time you drink:
  • Piety 1+. The potion gives 1 randomly determined minor
    detrimental property-the dangers of this concoction.

  • Piety 10+. The potion gives 1 randomly determined minor
    beneficial property.

  • Piety 25+. The potion gives immunity to poison damage
    and 1 additional randomly determined minor beneficial

  • Piety 50+. The potion gives 1 randomly determined major
    beneficial property.

Pharika's Cure. You gain the effects of the greater
restoration spell the moment you drink the potion.
Additionally, if a creature hits you with a melee attack while
under the effects of this potion, the creature takes 5 poison
damage. Poison damage dealt by this ability ignores
resistances to poison damage. Treat immunity to poison
damage as resistance instead.
The effects of the potion last until you complete a short or
long rest. The bowl refills each day at dawn.

If you aren’t a worshiper of Pharika, the potion gives 2
randomly determined major detrimental properties.
See “Artifacts” in chapter 7 of the Dungeon Master’s Guide
for details on randomly determined properties.

Pharika's Curse

If a creature not attuned to the potion
attempts to drink the potion that creature immediately
suffers 3 levels of exhaustion. If your attunement to Theneia
ends after having drank it, that creature immediately drops to
0 hit points.

Destroying the Libation

Everything malady and poison
has a cure on Theros. Even Pharika's. To destroy the libation
one must seek out gather a fang from Arasta of the Endless
Web and the acidic blood of Polukranos, grinding the fang in
the acid. Finally one must acquire the head of Hythonia the
Cruel and have it stare at the concoction for 3 days and
nights. At the end of the this time the libation will cease to


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