
God of Slaughter Mogis

Mogis is the god of slaughter, violence, and war. He is hatred unrestrained, empathy denied, and mercy forgotten, an entity whose very presence incites mortals to violence. Soldiers fear succumbing to his blood lust lest they dishonor themselves, but the vengeful and forsaken call to him for the gift of his rage. He is the brother of Iroas, god of victory, and his antithesis in matters of warfare.

Divine Domains

War, slaughter.


Mogis, like his brother, governs the sphere of warfare. But while Iroas thrives on the glory of honorable victory, Mogis revels in sadism, destruction, and the utter humiliation of the vanquished.

Holy Books & Codes

To feel rage, to be an instrument of wrath—these emotions override the fear of battle. In hatred there is strength, and Mogis revels in this fact. But mortals must beware, for the price he exacts in exchange for this strength is the sacrifice of decency, honor, and compassion.


Minotaurs are the most ardent worshipers of Mogis and regularly hold bloody rites in his honor. Warchanters, the minotaur clergy of Mogis, whip their marauders into a near-mindless frenzy before battle; the ensuing slaughter gives glory to Mogis's name.

Tenets of Faith

He drives warriors to acts of cruelty and malice in their pursuit of victory. Only those who have experienced the terror and violence of war truly understand the seductive nature of Mogis's power.


Mogis exhorts his followers to channel their hatred and rage into ever greater acts of cruelty and violence. He demands actions over words, making his followers an active and dangerous lot. From the spurned lover thirsting for revenge to the blood-drenched warrior on the battlefield, all honor Mogis with the shedding of blood in anger.


The appearance of the blood moon is a most holy occasion for the faithful of Mogis, since the moon represents his hateful crimson eye. At such times, his followers prepare and consume a feast of meat, either raw or barely cooked, along with copious amounts of intoxicants, followed by ritual self-mutilation—scarring themselves to demonstrate their devotion to Mogis.

Divine Goals & Aspirations

To Mogis, the world is a canvas upon which he paints in blood. His goals are easy to understand, thus easily fulfilled by his minions. Mogis wants to unmake the world through savagery. Let every polis fall and the works of mortals burn—everything comes to ruin in time, and Mogis believes that time should be now. Only the most brutal and savage among the mortals should survive—his chosen few. Once the world lies in ruin with his brother dead at his feet, Mogis's goals will be achieved.


Contacts & Relations

Mogis's existence is defined by his eternal struggle against his twin brother, Iroas. (Only a handful of contradictory myths address the parentage of these gods, but they are universally described as twins.) Any of Mogis's actions and endeavors contribute to undermining and ultimately destroying Iroas. Any divine relationships Mogis might enter into are born of convenience and as a means to the end. Mogis is incapable of loyalty and should be expected to break any pact or agreement once it has outlived its usefulness.

Family Ties

Iroas is often percieved as his twin brother.

Social Aptitude

Loyalty is a forgein concept to Mogis. If someone served him, and served him well, but becomes incapable of coninuting their service, Mogis will feel no guilt dropping them like a lamb tossed into the lions den.

Divine Classification
Chaotic Evil
Current Location
Honorary & Occupational Titles
God of Slaughter
long, black