
While Phoberos does not have any notable or nationally recognised settlements, a large number of encampments litter the gorge and surrounding canyons.


What is believed to have once been home to many meandering streams and rivers, now resembles that of a desolate wasteland, almost devoid of life.

Phoberos is a swath of land home to many gorges, jutting rocks, and canyons. It's terrain is mostly open to the sky, but many pathways and off shoots descend and become subterranean where eventually all glimpses of light is shrouded by the towering pillars and walls of rock above.


Most of the vegetation that has managed to adapt to Phoberos' canyons does so well, and are even considered thriving in this inhospitable landscape.

Ecosystem Cycles

Weather in Phoberos remains relatively consistent. A lack of vegetation dominating the surface of this region means the area sees little in the way of rain meaning the weather is hot all year round.

Localized Phenomena

Not only are the humanoid inhabitants of Phoberos a threat to any travellers, but the natural phenomena can be just as deadly.

There are many geysers in Phoberos. Some geyser systems are rumoured to make sounds that resemble an anvilwrought bull, charging forwards in an awe inspiring (or terror inducing) deception of reality.

Sandstorms are also frequent in Phoberos, with some storms lasting days to weeks and cause significant disruption to those that inhabit the region and those that are simply passing through or foraging. If caught in a sandstorm unprepared, the usual outcome is death from exposure to the harsh and unforgiving elements.

Fauna & Flora

Epicurean Cacti are one of the most widely known flora species that grows exclusively in Phoberos.

Natural Resources

Phoberos has a disproportionately large amount of gold and other minerals that litter the many layered canyon walls and subterranean passages. Despite the abundance of resources, many do not wish to take advantage of these easy to access materials due to the constant banditry that occurs in the region.

Besides, if one were to mount an expedition to mine throughout the region, chances are at best your loot would be stolen from you, at worst you'd fall victim to many pit falls (sometimes literal) that litter the region.
Alternative Name(s)
The Badlands
Location under
Inhabiting Species