Welcome to Theros

While Theros hasn't changed much in terms of the land, the oceans, and the skies, it's people and it's central philosophy has suffered a great paradigm shift.

Each article about the Gods still go in-depth about their rituals, personality, and worshippers, but bare in mind that no God is worshipped publically. Those that still have faith in the Gods are viewed as traitors, or possessed. Temples are dilapilated and crumbling to the ground. Many oracles were driven away from their homes, and some were even killed.

The Divinity in Theros has become Derelict.


A New Theros

The Gods were once worshipped and loved by those that chose them as their patron or those that benefited from their help. Since the great War of Nyx, many mortals wince in pain at the name of the Gods, for the suffering they endured is still very much sore.

As Xenagos ascended to Nyx, he caused a rift in the pantheon as many could not figure who was to blame for the constant misery and disruption in Theros. As wars were waged and lost in vain, havok swept on the mortals. Deadly sickness, torrential storms, constant predation, buildings collapsing, Titans remerging. The mortals had lost their faith in the Gods, for all they did was bicker while rifts opened and hell let loose, and used Theros as their battle grounds.


Abstract Beliefs

The mortals know the Gods exist, and that they are powerful beings. They still believe this, but their knowledge of the Gods existing is not what has changed, nor is it what they deny or reject. What the mortals believe, is that the Gods are not worthy or worship.

The Gods are unreliable. They are untrustworthy. Why pray to Iroas to help shift the tides of battle in your favour when he is too busy combating Mogis to listen? The Gods have always fought, but never in such a way that has forced the mortals to have no other choice than to rely upon themselves.

This is the age of the self, where instead of praising Thassa for granting you safe passage across her waters, you praise yourself and tally your success to your own skills and extend that gratitude to your fellow crewmates. Thassa be damned, for she is known to be quick tempered and lash her anger out on the innocent. So if you bunkered down and waited out the storm and came out in one peace, why thank her for being kind and taking pity on you, but instead recognise your own strength for being able to overcome her wrath.