
An island inhabited by masked revelers, perpetually trapped in an unending festival. Caracoasta is led by the King in Burgandy, a mysterious man clad entirely in burgandy robes. It is said that the people of Caracoasta each made a deal with the King, one that went sour. Their souls are now forever trapped.


Each Caracoasta reveler has a unique, Venetian-style mask. One that embodies their personalities before they belonged to the King in Burgandy. Their clothes remain regal and spotless, even after years of unending parties. Visitors to Caracoasta may be interested to know that several boutiques scattered throughout the island sell clothing identical to the revelers. It is rumored that these clothes belonged to revelers whose party ended....   The food and wine of Caracoasta is lauded throughout the Shimmering Sea as some of the absolute best. Many foodies make the incredibly dangerous journey to sample these delicacies. However, no one who has ever partaken in Caracoastan food has been able to replicate its flavor outside of the island.


The King in Burgandy made an enemy with the wrong persons - Up in Arms and Ishtar, goddess of love/magic. After Up in Arms managed to appeal to the bitter goddess, Ishtar decided to close her deal with the King in Burgandy through...alternative means. As the adventurers fled the island, a great fire broke out. It is rumored that the King was slain by Ishtar and that half the island was destroyed in the resulting inferno of their battle. What remains of the King in Burgandy and his cursed island remains to be seen...
Alternative Names
The Golden City, The Masked City