
Jonah, now Skullfucker69, was once the leader of a gang of orphans living in the belly of a whale. Now, he sails the seas with a different crew and a different purpose. His desire to make Up in Arms pay knows no bounds. Vengeance is best served salty.   When Jonah was born, his unwanting mother tossed him down the blowhole of Kanaloa, the whale god. Surviving by the skin of his teeth, Jonah quickly bonded with other children similarly abandoned. As time war on, Jonah found himself leading this band of misfits. The "Crimps", as they called themselves (due to their love of the Crimson Tide pirate group), would get up to petty crimes of delinquency throughout the city of Kanaloa. They hoped that one day they'd leave the city and go on a real pirate adventure...   When Up in Arms were tasked with killing Jonah and disbanding the Crimps, they eventually chose to spare him. This decision led them to pretend to "arrest" all 60 orphans, resulting in them taking the children in chains through the city, back to their ship. There, the children were adopted by Up in Arms and given the job of a real adventuring crew. To hide his identity, Jonah was renamed Skullfucker69 as the real Jonah was supposedly "dead".