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Marissa Zephyr

Marissa Zephyr (a.k.a. Riz)

Meet Riz, a vivacious and kind-hearted vagabond with a contagious Southern charm. Born into the tumultuous world of Mythos Unveiled, she is the adopted daughter of two powerful yet bitterly estranged mothers—one a ruthless crime leader and the other the enigmatic head of the Silencing Committee. Despite their tumultuous relationship, Riz stands as a beacon of kindness and laughter, determined to bridge the gap between her warring mothers and bring harmony to their fractured world. With her combat prowess, infectious laughter, and unwavering quest for love, Riz journeys through a world where gods and myths collide, leaving smiles and laughter in her wake.

Physical Description

General Physical Condition

Riz boasts a lean yet muscular physique, a testament to her rigorous combat training. Standing at 5'8" tall, she possesses a graceful and agile frame that enables her to navigate the streets with ease. Her well-defined muscles hint at her formidable pugilist abilities, though they are often hidden beneath her friendly and approachable demeanor.

Body Features

  • Tanned Skin: Riz's skin is beautifully tanned, a result of her outdoor lifestyle as a vagabond. It adds a healthy glow to her appearance.
  • Long Braids: She is known for her long, intricate braids—one cascading down her back to her buttocks, and another draping over her shoulder, curving around her breast. They are often adorned with colorful beads and feathers.

Facial Features

  • Yellow Eyes: One of Riz's most striking features is her yellow eyes, which appear to gleam with an inner warmth and curiosity. They stand out against her tanned skin and often light up with laughter.
  • Toothy Smile: Riz's face is usually adorned with a bright, toothy smile. Her laughter is infectious, and she is known for her ability to lift the spirits of those around her.

Identifying Characteristics

Riz's most identifying features are her long braids and her unique eye color. Her jovial disposition and tendency to laugh heartily are also distinguishing characteristics that make her easily recognizable.

Physical quirks

  • Animated Gestures: Riz is known for her animated hand gestures and body movements when she speaks. Her expressive nature adds to her approachable and friendly aura.
  • Touchy-Feely: She has a habit of touching people lightly while engaged in conversation, a natural and comforting gesture that fosters a sense of closeness and trust.

Special abilities

While Riz may not wield supernatural powers like the gods and beings of Mythos Unveiled, her special abilities lie in her extraordinary combat skills and her uncanny ability to diffuse tense situations with her infectious laughter and warm presence. She can hold her own in a fight, expertly using her martial prowess to protect herself and those she cares about. Additionally, her penchant for diffusing conflicts between her warring mothers through clever distractions demonstrates her resourcefulness and resilience.

Apparel & Accessories

Riz's attire is a blend of practicality and personal style:
  • Casual Clothing: She typically wears comfortable and practical clothing suited for her vagabond lifestyle, such as loose-fitting pants, a simple blouse, and sturdy boots.
  • Beaded Jewelry: Riz often adorns herself with beaded necklaces and bracelets, many of which she crafts herself during her travels. Each piece holds sentimental value.
  • Feathered Accessories: Her braids are adorned with colorful feathers, a reflection of her affinity for nature and her free-spirited personality.

Specialized Equipment

Riz is a skilled pugilist, trained in combat by her mothers. She possesses exceptional fighting abilities, though she is unaware of just how formidable she is in comparison to professional fighters.

Mental characteristics

Personal history

Riz's personal history is a complex tapestry of love, conflict, and resilience. She was adopted by her two powerful mothers, who once loved each other deeply but eventually became bitter enemies due to their divergent roles in the world of Mythos Unveiled. Riz's childhood was marked by witnessing the tumultuous relationship between her mothers and the tension it created. Despite the challenges, she managed to maintain her positive and kind-hearted nature.

Gender Identity

Riz identifies as female and uses she/her pronouns. She embraces her femininity and has a strong sense of self in this regard.


Riz identifies as straight and is open to the idea of finding a boyfriend, although discussions about her love life make her shy and bashful.


Her education was unconventional but extensive. Riz received rigorous combat training from her mothers, honing her pugilist skills to a remarkable level. She also learned about various mythologies and pantheons, gaining insight into the world's unique dynamics.


As a vagabond, Riz chooses a nomadic lifestyle that allows her to travel freely. She relies on her combat skills to protect herself on the streets and often takes on odd jobs to sustain her travels. Her adaptability and friendly disposition make her approachable, enabling her to find temporary work wherever she goes.

Accomplishments & Achievements

Riz's most notable accomplishment is her ability to bridge the gap between her warring mothers. Her interference, often humorous and clever, has prevented lethal confrontations between them on numerous occasions. Her knack for diffusing conflicts and spreading positivity among those she meets has made her a beloved figure in some communities.

Failures & Embarrassments

One of Riz's most significant failures is her inability to reconcile her mothers. Despite her efforts, their enmity persists, which sometimes leaves her feeling helpless and embarrassed. Her shy and timid reaction to discussions about her own love life is another source of embarrassment.

Mental Trauma

Riz has experienced emotional turmoil from witnessing her mothers' transformation from lovers to enemies. The constant threat of violence between them and her desperate attempts to keep them apart have left scars on her psyche. However, her resilience and positive outlook help her cope with these emotional burdens.

Intellectual Characteristics

Riz is not academically inclined but possesses practical intelligence and resourcefulness. Her emotional intelligence is a standout trait, allowing her to navigate complex social dynamics and connect with people on a profound level.

Morality & Philosophy

Her moral compass is grounded in kindness, empathy, and the belief that people can change for the better. Riz values harmony and seeks to spread joy and laughter wherever she goes. She clings to the hope that even in a world filled with conflict, love and understanding can prevail.


Despite her vivacious personality, Riz is sensitive about discussions related to her own romantic relationships. She tends to become bashful and timid when the topic arises.

Personality Characteristics


Riz's primary motivation is to bring about reconciliation and peace between her two mothers. She longs for the days when they loved each other and wishes to see them put aside their enmity. Her secondary motivation is to find love and build a meaningful romantic relationship, a desire that often makes her feel shy and bashful.

Savvies & Ineptitudes

  • Combat Savvy: Riz is exceptionally skilled in combat, with the ability to hold her own against even the toughest opponents.
  • Social Savvy: She excels in connecting with people, diffusing tense situations, and spreading positivity.
  • Inept at Romance Talk: Riz becomes bashful and timid when discussing her own romantic aspirations, making it challenging for her to express her feelings.

Likes & Dislikes

  • Likes: Riz loves storytelling, be it through jokes, myths, or personal anecdotes. She enjoys the feeling of the wind in her hair during her travels and has a deep appreciation for nature. She also has a soft spot for animals, particularly birds.
  • Dislikes: Riz dislikes unnecessary violence and cruelty. She is not a fan of cold and rainy weather, which she finds uncomfortable during her vagabond lifestyle. She also dislikes discussions about her romantic life, which tend to make her shy and hesitant.

Virtues & Personality perks

  • Kindness: Riz's kindness knows no bounds. She goes out of her way to help others and spreads positivity wherever she goes.
  • Courage: She displays remarkable courage when protecting those she cares about, and she isn't afraid to stand up for what's right.
  • Resourcefulness: Riz's adaptability and resourcefulness help her find work and sustenance during her travels.

Vices & Personality flaws

  • Overly Trusting: Her trusting nature can sometimes make her vulnerable to manipulation by unscrupulous individuals.
  • Shyness about Love: Riz's shyness when it comes to discussing her own romantic interests can hinder her ability to pursue a relationship.
  • Inability to Let Go: She struggles to let go of the hope for her mothers' reconciliation, which sometimes causes her to insert herself into dangerous situations.

Personality Quirks

  • Riz often twirls a strand of her hair absentmindedly when lost in thought.
  • She has a habit of humming or singing softly to herself when she's content or happy.
  • Riz tends to mimic the speech patterns and gestures of those she's conversing with, unintentionally mirroring their expressions.


Despite her vagabond lifestyle, Riz maintains good personal hygiene. She values cleanliness and takes care of herself, ensuring she's presentable and comfortable during her travels. She may not have access to luxurious facilities, but she makes do with what she has to stay fresh and clean.


Family Ties

Riz's family ties are rooted in her two adoptive mothers. While they have become estranged due to their opposing roles, Riz remains a devoted and loving daughter to both, seeking to bring them back together.

Religious Views

Riz has a deep respect for the various mythological and religious beliefs in Mythos Unveiled. While she may not adhere to any specific faith, she finds beauty in the diversity of belief systems and often incorporates elements from different mythologies into her own worldview.

Social Aptitude

Riz possesses exceptional social aptitude. Her ability to connect with people, diffuse conflicts, and bring laughter to even the gloomiest of situations makes her a cherished companion among those she meets.


  • She often tilts her head slightly when listening to others, showing genuine interest in their words.
  • Riz has a habit of lightly touching people during conversations, a gesture that conveys warmth and trust.
  • When excited or amused, she claps her hands together with childlike glee.

Hobbies & Pets

Riz doesn't have any pets, as her nomadic lifestyle doesn't easily accommodate them. However, she has a fondness for birds and enjoys watching them during her travels. Her hobbies include storytelling, crafting beaded jewelry, and practicing her combat skills.


Riz's speech is laced with a gentle and melodic Southern accent, a soothing cadence that carries with it the warmth of her personality. Her words often have a lilting quality, and she uses idiomatic expressions that reflect her laid-back and friendly nature. Her laughter, often infectious, is a testament to her joyful spirit, punctuating her speech with bursts of mirth.

Wealth & Financial state

Riz leads a modest and nomadic lifestyle. While she may not possess great material wealth, her wealth lies in her vast experiences, friendships, and her unwavering kindness.

Adopted daughter of rival crime leader & silencing committee head. Joyful vagabond, combat legend, seeks to reconcile her mothers & find love in a world of clashing pantheons. Southern charm & contagious laughter.

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Honorary & Occupational Titles
She is simply known as "Riz" to those who have had the pleasure of her company.
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
140 lbs

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