
"Dems da ones, dem's dem merchants been seeing dem lion-men" Khadafi motioned to a group of dark skinned men, wrapped in various silks, with turbans and face coverings.

"You really tink dem lion-folk is real, den?" Issouf retorted.

"By my own life" Khadafi confessed.

Leonin as a Playable Race in Mythoterra

Ability Score Increase
Your Constitution score increases by 2, and your Strength score increases by 1.

Leonin mature and age at about the same rate as humans.

Leonin tend toward good alignments. Leonin who are focused on the pride lean toward lawful good.

Leonin are typically over 6 feet tall, with some standing over 7 feet. Your size is Medium.

Your base walking speed is 35 feet.

You can see in dim light within 60 feet of you as if it were bright light and in darkness as if it were dim light. You can’t discern color in darkness, only shades of gray.

Your claws are natural weapons, which you can use to make unarmed strikes. If you hit with them, you can deal slashing damage equal to 1d4 + your Strength modifier.

Daunting Roar
As a bonus action, you can let out an especially menacing roar. Creatures of your choice within 10 feet of you that can hear you must succeed on a Wisdom saving throw or become frightened of you until the end of your next turn. The DC of the save equals 8 + your proficiency bonus + your Constitution modifier. Once you use this trait, you can’t use it again until you finish a short or long rest.

You can speak, read, and write Common and Leonin.

Eye of Sinai

As a Leonin from The Eye of Sinai, you are far removed from the world outside the desert. Humans are foreign to you, and your prides primary knowledge of them is secondhand. You are used blistering heat and to having to live a nomadic life to find food and water among the wide desert of Sinai. Your fur tends to be lighter, ranging from blonde to nearly white, with dark manes being uncommon.
Desert Nomad
You gain proficiency in one of the following skills of your choice: Athletics, Perception, or Survival.

East Dunes

As a Leonin from the East dunes, you are on the threshold between the reaches of civilization, and endless wild. Your people have been in contact with
Humanity through occasional trade caravans that dare to journey far into the desert. Your people have learned much from Men, such as the practice of wearing clothes, utilizing weapons, and how to build settlements. You likely came from a pride that has created a permanent residence to make trade easier. Your fur coloring is likely darker, ranging from blonde to light brown, with darker manes being common among your people.
  Lion and Man
You gain proficiency in one of the following skills of your choice: Persuasion, Insight, or Martial Weapons.

Naming Traditions

Feminine names

As Leonin's are a proud race, they tend to have names which are both easy to remember and strong. This applies to males and females. While the names are distinct between sexes, both follow the same logic. 
Example Names:

Masculine names

As Leonin's are a proud race, they tend to have names which are both easy to remember and strong. This applies to males and females. While the names are distinct between sexes, both follow the same logic.
Example Names:

Family names

Leonins reside within pride's - a family unit typically composed of between 50 - 100 members. This is the largest societal unit within Leonin culture, and as such each Leonin does not denote a family name, but instead a pride name. This follows the given name of the Leonin. Since Leonin's tend to be proud creatures, they will eagerly translate or present their pride name in the language of the recipient, so the meaning is not lost on them - especially since Leonin is a very difficult language for non-affected races to comprehend.
Eye of Sinai
For Leonin's who reside within the Eye of Sinai - the central lands of the Sinai Desert - their Pride names tend to denote the wild aspect of the desert, or the strength and resilience needed to survive in it. When translated, they typically compose of an adjective denoting harshness or difficulty, and a noun usually describing a feature of the lands they roam. 
Some Example Pride Names:

East Dunes
For Leonin's residing in the East Dunes, the lands that near the Rubiah Sea, their pride names traditionally denote the nature in which the pride wishes to be presented. As such, they will typically translate into an adjective that promotes a positive and honourable identity, and a physical feature. Those that have decided to be feared rather than respected may have a pride name that promotes fear over honour. 
  Example Pride Names


Shared customary codes and values

Leonin's are honourable, proud, and dutiful. Their appearance and reputation are vitally important, for both practical and vain reasons. The appearance of strength and aptitude is vital, and physical beauty is heavily sought after. Most importantly, Leonin's are dangerously proud of their pride. The only thing that trumps the pride they hold in themselves as individuals is the pride they hold for their kin as a unit, as much of their identity is linked to their pride. 
The Pride Above the Individual
All Leonin's see themselves as secondary to their pride, and nearly everything they do has the benefit of the pride in mind. Their own ego and self improvement is for the good of the pride. Their duties and honour are for the good of the pride. Their strength and ability are for the good of the pride. Egotism separate from the pride is detested and seen as weak and lowly, and is cause for banishment, as the Leonin rest everything they have in their pride. 
Everything the Sand Touches is Our Kingdom

The Leonin see themselves as kings or protectors of the Desert. It is their realm, and they are protective and territorial over it. They are also far secluded, as Leonin's are native to the interior of the desert, and even the Eastern Dunes are a fair travel from the civilized world. Due to this, Leonin's historically have never left the desert, and if any individual were to, it would be a great and rare feat. Even the Easter Leonins do not return with their merchant allies. Thus, Leonin's are a far and mystical creature that are nearly unheard of throughout the world, and even considered potential myths among the peoples of the Aurum coast.

Art & Architecture

The Leonin's in East Dune are mainly not nomadic anymore, and instead have established small villages among the large sand dunes. These tend to be built of dry wood and canvases, with elegant carpets covering the sandy floor. Few have begun to trade for stone, and some sandstone buildings and walls can be found in the occasional Leonin village. 

Common Customs, traditions and rituals

Well Deserved Leisure
Leonin's are hardy and honourable creatures, who boldly face any threat and put their lives on the line for their pride. However, when their bellies are full and their homes are secure, Leonin's indulge heavily in relaxed leisure - drinking the wine of mankind , basking in the sun, or lounging. 
Heshima Duwa
If a Leonin's honour is questioned or he is heavily disrespected, it is common practice to provoke a duel of honour called a  Heshima Duwa, to regain their pride. The duel is not to the death, but sometimes if neither party surrenders it may end that way. Occasionally, the Pride Patriarch is challenged to a Heshima Duwa, and upon defeat may have to revoke his position in the pride. 

Common Myths and Legends

Godly Blood and the Great Spirit

It is a fairly common, but not universally held belief among the Leonin, that they contain the blood of gods, and are themselves deities to the lesser creatures that roam the desert. This entitles them to have their hearts content of the spoils of the desert, and gives them a birth right above the simple animals found in the desert. They believe this blood was given to them by the Great Spirit, which created all the living world.  


Beauty Ideals

Leonin's take great pride in their appearance and demeanor, and tend to be vain. They insist on having clothing and armour that is both stylish and practical, and merchants from the Rubian City states have found a niche market in making magnificent, engraved golden armour and brightly coloured silks. All Leonin's are accustomed to wearing armour and clothing - even those from the Eye of Sinai, who were jealous the East Rune Leonin's they encountered who wore such magnificent garments and wielded deadly weapons. They make an active effort to trade with or attack the Eastern Leonins to get updated clothing, armour, and weapons, as no Leonin is familiar with or has the means to create these things themselves. Eastern Leonin's often capture elephants and other exotic animals to trade with the merchants. Ideally, for all Leonin's, the more Human you present yourself, the better.

Eye of Sinai
The Leonin's from the Eye of Sinai find white fur and manes most attractive, and think scars are a bold sign of strength and bravery. Long, wild manes are best, and armour that reveals the bulky and muscular physique of the wearer is also idolized. 

East Dunes
The Leonin's from the East Dunes highly value dark or black manes, which are seen as a sign of strength and superiority. Females desire males with lean physique, and males desire females with strong legs. Silks are a sign of strength, as it assumes you do not require armour, and as such those with more silks and less metals are seen more favorably. 

Gender Ideals

The role of Males in Leonin society is as the pride leaders, the fathers, and warriors. In the Eye of Sinai, they also tend to be the way finders and protectors of the pride from the savage beasts the roam the lands. In the East Dunes, the males also are the ones who barter and trade, and distribute goods. 

The role of Females in Leonin society is primarily as mother and hunters. The females leave in hunting parties to find food for the males and cubs, and when they are home they are the ones responsible with the care and upbringing of the young ones. In the Eye of Sinai, they play the most important role in the survival of the pride, but are still seen secondarily to the males. In the Eastern Dunes, the females are also the ones who capture exotic beasts for trade, and as such are reveared heavily by the men who come to trade.

Relationship Ideals

Leonin's males will tend to mate with two or three females, as there is a necessity for there to be more females than males within the pride. They will mate for life, and separation or infidelity is often seen with great shame. 


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