Warlock Patron Examples

The Guede

Hexblade, Undying
The Guede are mischievous creatures that pull pranks and party. They act as guides to the afterlife. Some pray to them to protect their loved ones from dying, others pray to them to bring revenge to their enemies.


Undying, Fiend
Orcus is the Demon Prince of Undeath. He seeks the destruction of all life believing that the universe will not be perfect until he is all that remains. He cares nothing for his cultists or followers. He grants power to those who will do his bidding and kill others.

The Raven Queen

The Raven Queen is a mysterious figure from the Shadowfel. She is obsessed with collecting memories and momentos to observe. Some people believe that she is insane and this is simply a way for her to hold onto what is left of her fragmented mind, while other scholars believe that she collects the memories to purify the souls by making them face their inner demons. Whatever the answer maybe only she knows.

Xur, The Nine Mouthed Nightmare

The Great Old Ones
You know the old saying, "Nine mouths are better than one." No one has ever seen Xur in more than a nightmare, some believe that his existence is not even real but a manifestation of the scary stories you were told as a child. He has been described as a writhing shapeless void of darkness with nine mouths that form and unform and tentacles that whip around.


Arch Angel of Lathander the Morning Lord. It is said that he can sense the motives of others and brings judgment to the wicked and rewards the pure of heart. He grants aid to those who wish to bring an end to evil.

Saggi, the Dark Clown

Hexblade, The Archfey
Saggi is an ancient Changeling Assassin. Saggi will often entice his patrons into a simple pact with little that they must do on their end, however when they meet their end their soul is in possession of Saggi so that he may craft them into a weapon. The weapon they are crafted into is dependant on their devotion to Saggi in their lifetime.

Davy Jones

The Lurker in the Deep
When he was alive Davy Jones ran a pub and was a devout follower of Umberlee. He would sacrifice some of the drunken sailors to Umberlee by hog-tying them and sending them to their watery graves. Eventually, he met his match. After news reached a crew of sailors about what had happened to one of their shipmates they beat Davy to an inch of death and threw him into the sea. With his arms and legs broken, he knew his life was coming to an end so he prayed for salvation. Umberlee, pleased with his life of devotion granted his request, and Davy Jones was gifted with immortality. To this day he still serves her, dragging sailors to their doom.

Obelisk, the Tormentor

Undying, Great Old Ones
It was long ago that Obelisk, the Tormentor was banned from this world by the gods. Still, his lust for violence seeps through into Mythra slowly corrupting mortal minds. It is said that should Obelisk ever die the souls of every living thing would be ripped from their body so that Obelisk may live on.

Slifer, the Sky Dragon

Great Old Ones
Slifer has survived above the clouds for hundreds of millions of years, long before the age of mortals, and even before the age of dragons and giants. Legends say that Slifer has never touched the soil of Mythra, and has only descended upon Mythra during times of great strife. Should Slifer ever leave Mythra, this would mark the end of life on the planet. Onlookers from the ground mistake Slifer for a meteor flying overhead.

Ra, the Winged Dragon

Ra was the first Sultan of Agrabah and a devout follower of Bahamut. On his death bed, Bahamut blessed Ra transforming him into an illustrious golden dragon. Ra now flies through the deserts to guide lost wanderers to their safety. It is said that the mere sight of Ra brings good fortune.

Princess of the Squirrel Elves

The Archfey
The Princess of the Squirrel Elves is an ancient and powerful fey. She lives deep in the enchanted forest and can sometimes be found dancing in the meadows. Often her pacts are done in exchange for potatoes.


The Genie
Lucki was once a halfling who used the power of the wish spell to become a djinni. After escaping his lamp, Lucki has wandered the world granting powers to adventurers in exchange for a portion of their money the money they earn.