BUILD YOUR OWN WORLD Like what you see? Become the Master of your own Universe!

Session 10

General Summary

This session began with the the party and Riner delivering Baku to the Police Station. Upon doing so, the Governor called for their arrest as it appeared to him as though the party was enacting vigilante justice. After explaining their actions to the Law Master at the Supreme Court of Clonio, an hour had passed and the party and Riner were not convicted of any crimes. With this good news, the group made their way back to the Police Station where the party interrogated "Baku" and Riner went to speak with the Governor about getting his job back. On their way into the building, they called Tremont to have him join them during the interrogation of "Baku". It took a lot of effort, but the party was able to discern that the person they had captured was not the real Baku and, thanks to Tremont, that the new Chief of Police is the real Baku. Having found this out, Gurat had the Officer John (the officer that handles audio recordings from interrogations) delete the recording for their interrogation for 10Gp. Kit then shared with Gurat that he had a possible plan to deal with the real Baku so they along with Tremont went up to Gurat's office while the rest of the party played poker with Not-ku (not Baku). Claudia won and Not-ku lost, giving him the contents of his pockets (3Cp and a string). While that was going on, Kit explained his idea to use the Head Key on Chief Ross to find incriminating evidence against him. Tremont warned them of the dangers of the Head Key, so Kit suggested testing it out on himself to see how it works. Kit inserted the key into his head and a door (which he recognized went to his childhood home) appeared and Kit's body fell to the floor, limp. Kit's consciousness took the form of a projection of himself and he, along with Gurat and Tremont, opened the door. All they could see was darkness as a mist that poured out onto the floor. Not knowing what to expect, they entered cautiously. Tremont was the last one in and he closed the door behind them. Without the light, their eyes adjusted and they saw a seemingly endless hall of mirrors lined up in rows. Kit was the first to approach one and when he did, it lit up to display his memory of that morning. As they moved deeper and deeper, the memories got older and older. They continued walking for about half an hour, at which point Kit began seeing memories from his childhood; memories of being teased at school; memories of his father. Remembering his father, Kit pulled away from the mirror. Gurat tried to console him, but was interrupted by something whispering "Non". Assuming it to be just another memory, the group ignored it. It called out again and this time, Gurat noticed a creature behind the mirror Kit was just looking into. The creature then jumped through the mirror, shattering it. In one quick blow to the back of the head, Kit was down. Kit's form was dropped, revealing to the group that he was a changeling. Gurat retaliated against the creature (that looked identical to Kit's father) by wildshaping into a direwolf and knocking it prone. This allowed Tremont enough time to cycle through the keys on his keyring and insert one shaped like an Ankh into Kit's chest to revive him. After that Kit and Tremont ran for it while Gurat kept the creature away from Kit, eventually bringing it down as well. Not knowing how long it would stay down, Gurat joined Kit and Tremont in their escape from Kit's mind. They eventually made it back to the door and, as they were closing it, they heard the creature call out to them once more; "Non". The door shut and Kit burst into tears. Gurat consoled him once again, ensuring Kit that nothing would change and that he would keep his secret. Once they had settled down from the confrontation, Tremont then explained that the creature they faced was a physical manifestation of Kit's fears and that that is what makes the Head Key dangerous. They then rejoined the group downstairs and made their way out. On their way, they bumped into Riner, who was also leaving. He explained that the Governor had given him a job in the police department as a field worker and would consider giving him his job back at the end of the month; when he will evaluate his performance in the field. Gurat then invited him to join them back at Tremont Manor to explain their developments, but he declined in favor of going home to his wife (who he had not seen in a week). The rest of the party returned to the manor to discuss their options. Tremont explained the some of the keys and shared some of his past. The party seems to have settled on the idea of using the Head Key on the real Baku and using the Chain Key & Great Lock to restrain his projection while they explore his mind for evidence to confirm his identity.

Report Date
25 Sep 2024


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