BUILD YOUR OWN WORLD Like what you see? Become the Master of your own Universe!

Session 14

General Summary

This session began with the party being sent to their rooms by a group of armed goblins. On their way to their rooms, Claudia continued to sow the seeds of his workers' rebellion by convincing the goblins that life could be better for them if they stood up to Zor together. The party also contemplated the idea of escaping the Beholders' lair using the Ethereal Key, but opted instead to use the key for reconnaissance. The party relinquished some of their weapons and concealed others. Once the goblins stopped paying attention to them, each party memeber searched their respective room and Kit used Message to coordinate the party's plan of action. Vaision had trusted Kit with the Ethereal Key as he had more faith in Kit to keep it hidden from the guards than himself, so Kit was to use the key to get a lay-of-the-land and report back. He did so and discovered that the lair was encapsulated by an invisible wall of force that prevented him from leaving the confines of the lair. He also lightly explored the remaining rooms of the lair; there was the Arena, the Treasure Room, the Terrarium, the Goblins' Quarters, Gar's Room, and Zor's Room in addition to the previously explored Kitchen and Throne Room. While in the Kitchen, Kit used the pantry door to bring the animated suits of armor into the Ethereal Plane so they would not get into trouble. Kit then reported his findings to the rest of the group. With no clear escape short of retrieving a key from Zor's room to open a door in Gar's room, they decided to get some sleep. In the "morning" (approximately 11PM), Zor woke Vaision up along with the rest of the party by mistake to give Vaision a surprise. Vaision reluctantly followed Zor out of the Holding Cells to the Terrarium, where he forcefully shrunk Vaision and stuck him inside with a Skeleton, an Aarakocra that looked like a peacock, a Tabaxi that looked like a Siberian tiger, a beautiful fairy, and a handsome elf. Zor then returned to the holding cells and brought the rest of the party to breakfast, where they had porridge. The party asked Zor about how he met Gar, where he revealed that Gar had shown up one day to kill him, but he had managed to force Gar into submission. He then asked the party their names and tried to find out where they were from. The conversation meandered from there to a surprise that Zor had for the rest of the party to the recent remodeling of the Holding Cells to the future remodeling of the Goblins' Quarters. At this point, Claudia offered to help with the remodeling as a means to get a better idea of what life was like for Zor's depraved goblin underlings. After breakfast, Zor led the party to the Goblis' Quarters where he promptly vomited from the rancid odor emanating from the space. He quickly apologized for the smell and assured them that he would have taken care of this sooner had someone told him it was that bad and fled to the fresh air of his throne room. leaving Gar to look after them. Claudia then gave a very persuasive speech to the 40+ goblins in the room about how their life would be better if they fought back against Zor before returning to the throne room to discuss the remodeling with Zor. This process took until lunchtime (3AM), at which point Zor revealed that the surprise he had for the party was the viewing of a bloody battle in the arena over lunch. The party then made wagers with Zor about who they thought would win. Ultimately, the party managed to get Zor to agree to "let them come and go as they please" by defeating a Snatcher in the arena. Zor begrudgingly retrieved Vaision from the Terrarium and brought him back to the party per their request. To keep up the illusion that they were friendly guests that enjoy Zor's presence, they asked if they could stay for dinner. Zor happily agreed and let them choose what they would be having. They selected soup, which will be served next session.

Report Date
17 Jun 2022


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