BUILD YOUR OWN WORLD Like what you see? Become the Master of your own Universe!

Session 15

General Summary

This session opened with Zor inquiring about the party's plans after they decide to leave. During this time, dinner was cooking. When they food finally made it out of the kitchen, Gar, like usual, tasted Zor's food before he ate it. He passed out almost immediately with a loud thud.

Enraged, Zor picked up the chef by his ankles using his telekinetic eyeray and questioned him. The chef wasted no time informing Zor that the idea of poisoning him came from the party. Zor threw the chef forcefully towards the kitchen and receeded into his own mind. The party tried to deny the allegations, but Zor didn't hear a word they said. While he was thinking to himself, the warden along with about 40 goblins lined the second floor with bows and began to make their demands for pay and better working conditions. Not having any of it, Zor flew straight up and went on the offensive. He activated his main eyeray on the party and tried to disintegrate the warden, who used one of the goblins nearest him as a living shield. Zor then summoned vines from the walls to restrain the goblins and used his domination eyeray on the warden.

Zor instructed the party sit out of the fight and let him deal with the traitorous goblins if they were innocent. They listened, but only for a few seconds; just enough time to concoct a plan to banish Zor to the Astral Plane using a bag of holding and a portable hole. Kit used his invisible mage hand to hold the portable hole like a tapestry just below Zor and Xaverie threw the bag in. Zor's last words before being sucked in were, "I just wanted friends".

With Zor out of the picture, the fight would be much easier, but it wasn't over yet. The goblins were still restrained for a short time longer, the warden was still under Zor's influence, and several of Zor's loyal minions had joined the fight to give the party, goblin army included, a run for their money. Towards the end of the fight, the sounds of battle had awoken Gar, who activated his main eyeray. This prevented the party from casting spells, Zor's minions from using their eyerays, and temporarily suspended Zor's control over the warden.

In the end, the party and a little less than half of the goblins survived to claim victory over Zor and his oppressive rule. The goblins dabbed in celebration and some even attempted the yoinky sploinky. There were still two lose ends, however; the nitwit Gar and the warden, both of whom were still suffering from Zor's influence. Having befriended Gar, they convinced him to keep his eye on the warden and went to get the key from Zor's nightstand while they though about what would happen to Gar when Zor's influence faded. The party agreed that it would be best if they left before that happened.

Kit used gust to put out the torches in the hallway below Zor's room and used his bat cloak to fly up to it. Vaision and Kit then used their mage hands to pass a rope up to kit, who tied it off on the pedestal in the middle of the room. Kit took the crystal from the pedestal and gave it to Vaision before grabbing the key, which was very heavy.

The two quickly descended and made their way to the treasure room. There was too much loot for them to carry, so they decided to use the mailbox key. Before they did, they used the pantry to send Tremont a note with a description of the door they wanted him to use the Anywhere Key to get to. Surprisingly, with only a short description of the door, he managed to do so. He informed them that is was 4AM and told them to have send the loot to the ballroom since it is empty and should be large enough to fit everything. He then went back through the door and presumably waited in the ballroom so the party could send him the loot with the mailbox key.

After sending the loot, the party hurried over to Gar's room to check out the main entrance/exit. Upon opening it, they found that it leads into a cave that is around 120ft long with a faint light at the end. When they tried to walk through it, they found that the wall of force surrounding the lair was still active. Assuming that the crystal they took from Zor's room must be causing it, Damian immediately shattered it with his Fiend Slasher as Claudia and Xaverie were entering the room, causing it to explode with an intense burst of arcane energy.

Damian, Kit, and Vaision, who were right next to it, as well as Xaverie, who was also hit by it, felt their bodies twist and warp, giving them strange new qualities.

Report Date
08 Jul 2022


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