BUILD YOUR OWN WORLD Like what you see? Become the Master of your own Universe!

Session 18

General Summary

This session began following the party's encounter with a fire elemental in Sparrow's mind. With three character's barely holding onto life, they asked Sparrow a few questions before calling it a night.

When the party woke up at 10AM, they ate pancakes, scambled eggs, and hashbrowns while discussing the indestructible nature of the Keys. Damian offered to destroy the Matchstick Key and Tremont jokingly replied, "You try that and let me know how it goes". This was enough for Damian to immediately throw the Key onto the dining table and hack at it with his Fiend Slasher, causing it to cast Fireball centered on itself. The blast downed Claudia, severely burned Kit, and lit Tremont's beard on fire. Xaverie was understandably upset as she would now have to replace her dining table on top of the other damages to her home.

To recover from the fireball blast, the party took a short rest before heading off to meet with Jaylen Ross (Baku). Everyone left except Kit, who agreed to stay at the manor to discuss something of personal importance with Tremont. When the party arrived at the police station, Claudia began trying his luck with Sharon, the receptionist, before developing the theory that she is a squid person in disguise. Nevertheless, the party entered Jaylen's office, where he was eating a tuna sandwhich. They noted that a non-descript bag of holding was sitting on his desk. Xaverie recognized it as hers. Before they officially started their meeting, Jaylen insisted they use the Head Key on him so he could speak freely. Because Kit stayed behind, they did not have it on them. So they called Tremont Manor, where Kit picked up the phone. He then arrived with Tremont using the Anywhere Key and entrusted Xaverie with the Head Key on the condition that she give it back when they were done with the meeting before hurriedly returning to his business with Tremont.

The party used the Key on Jaylen and entered his mind to begin their meeting. Jaylen explained that he found Xaverie's bag of holding, but would like to hold on to it until they complete their end of the bargain; freeing him from the governor's control. To do so, he pitched a plan in which the party would arrive at the docks at 5AM, looking for the airship Sky's Fortune and her captain, Bernett Stansfield, who owes Jaylen a favor. He would take the party to Monument Island, the governor's home, but they would need to find their own way back.

He also informed the party that the governor is never home between 7:30AM and 11AM and that he does not keep the Control Key on him, so it must be in his home somewhere. He warned them that the governor's secret police likely guard his home even when he is not there.

Xaverie asked him what the plan is once they return from Monument Island with the Control Key, to which he responded, "I don't know if using the Key on me again will free me or not, but its the best chance I have. If it doesn't free me, kill me. Please?" Xaverie agreed while voicing the fact that he is hard to kill.

With that, the meeting was over and the party made their way to Tantalizing Tentacle Treasures to buy the folding boat they saw in the Knick Knack section. On their way, Xaverie purchase two tulips from a flower shop that was on the way. When they arrived, Shiro was surprised to see them back so soon. Claudia purchased the folding boat, trading the ruined gauntlet and a nondescript book he had found for a 20Gp discount. Claudia then remembered the Trove of Lost Treasues and suggested that Damian give it a try. Somehow (he rolled a nat 20), he pulled out a Ring of Three Wishes. Having realized what he just pulled out, the party rushed out of the store with the promise of returning some other time and ran back to Tremont Manor.

The party sat down at the scorched dining table and waited for Kit and Tremont to finish up with what they were discussing. When they came down from the library, they were filled in on what happened and Damain wished for all the Keys in Tremont's book of Keys to appear on the table in front of them. In a blinding flash of light, the Astral Key, Chain Key, Control Key, Ethereal Key, Head Key, Heart Key, Mailbox Key, Matchstick Key, Plant Key and Winding Key appeared on the table (the Keys that did not appear on the table were the Anywhere Key, Death Key, Face Key, Master Key, Mending Key, Mirror Key, Resurrection Key, and Smoke Key). The party then questioned Tremont as to which Keys he had. He showed them each Key on his keyring (Anywhere Key, Face Key, Master Key, Mending Key, Mirror Key, Resurrection Key, and Smoke Key). After doing the accounting, they realized that one Key was missing; the Death Key. Tremont assured the party that he knew where it was and that is was in a relatively safe place; the mirror in the servants' quarters.

With all the Keys accounted for, the party breathed a collective sigh of relief. They then started discussing what they were going ot do with the Keys. The concensus was that the members of the party that had Keys would hold onto the Keys they already had and the new Keys would be given to Tremont to put on his keyring that, apparently, circumvented the Wish.

The party then started discussing how Tremont was going to be a major target of th governor once he notices that the Control Key is gone and that they should have a plan to keep him safe. Damian decided to end the problem immediately by Wishing for the governor to die of a heart attack that instant.

With that settled, the party went to see Jaylen and get Xaverie's bag of holding back. The receptionist was surprised to see them back again without an appointment, but let them in nonetheless. Jaylen thanked them for for helping him and gave them the bag. Before they left, he informed them that the paperwork finally went through for the Stonebreeze Detective Agency and that they are now official detectives for the city. He told them to see Jeff for their badges. The party then asked if there were any cases they could work on. Jaylen told them the two most prominent cases at this time are the rat problem and the missing children case. With little debate, the party agreed to work on the missing children case. They then left his office and picked up their badges. Included in the collection was a badge for Gurat. The party requested a badge for "Damian Okay" and left the police statation. Xaverie and Claudia went to drop off Gurat's badge at Theodora's apartment while Vaision went to the library.

Surprised by the visit, Gurat accepted the badge, but informed them that he was done with police work for now and would be looking to the cheese industry for a new purpose in life. They wished each other luck and left to meet Vaision at the library.

At the library, Vaision took some time to scour the shelvs for large creatures and found several books on dinosaurs and even one on the terrasque. At this point, Claudia and Xaverie had arrived at the library. Vaision then scared the shit out of Wagglefern, who was nose deep in a book and did not see him approach his desk, before placing an order to have his "Heart of Mythrael" identified. Zangrim then took the crystal in the back and spent 10 minutes identifying it. When he returned, he informed Vaision that these crystals are meant to be top-secret, warning him not to go swinging it around in public. He then asked where Vaision had acquired it and Damian spilled the beans. Zangrim's eyes widened. He dropped everything he was doing, said that Vaision was in charge of the library until he returned, and sprinted off to inform the governor of the beholders located a mile from the city.

An hour later, Zangrim returned very pissed off. The governor was apparently "too busy" for him and was declining his calls. He then announced over the PA, "Get the fuck out! We are now closed. Go home and hug your loved ones."

Report Date
19 Aug 2022


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