BUILD YOUR OWN WORLD Like what you see? Become the Master of your own Universe!

Session 20

General Summary

This session began at 8AM in the New World Orphanage shortly after the party had been told by Tim Tim that he had seen shadows watching him through the window in his room that night. The party inpsected the iron bars of the window and determined that something had been trying to unscrew it from the outside. During their inspection, they ran into Shiro, who was there to deliver a collection of books that he had come across during one of his adventures and had no use for.

While he was there, the party convinced him to help them on their investigation. They came up with a plan to have Kit impersonate Tim Tim while the others lied in wait to see what happens.

Until it was time to put their plan into action, the party went back to Tremont Manor. When they arrived, it was plainly obvious that someone had broken in; the front door and windows were kicked in. Kit cast Invisibility and scoped out the house. While doing so, he discovered that the only room that had been touched, aside from the broken glass from the shattered windows, was Tremont's (the Servants' Quarters). He also noted that Tremont and the mirror in his room were missing.

While Kit explored the house, the rest of the party read the Newspaper for that day. Something was off... The headlines stated that the governor had mobilized the Clonio militia despite the fact that he was dead. They also noticed that Tremont's name appeared in the obituaries.

Once the party reconvened, they discussed the info they had gathered and, after checking on Sparrow, decided to pay Jaylen Ross a visit since Tremont's section in the obitituary mentioned the police performing a wellness check on him. On the way, Kit stopped by Tantalizing Tentacle Treasures to get Shiro's help followed by Tremont's Tremendous Keys and Locks to see if they could find any clues about what happened to Tremont. The shop had fallen in to complete disrepair; an eyesore for the otherwise beautiful part of town. Inside they found only cobwebs and scrap metal aside from a few sets of artisans' tools (smiths' tools, tinkers' tools, thieves' tools) and a chunk of whispering iron; enough to make one key. They then made their way to the police station.

When they arrived at 10:45AM, the chief was apparently in a meeting already; A meeting with the governor. Knowing that that did not bode well, they decided to wait in the police station's bathroom until noon; Jaylen's lunch break.

Once inside, they used the Head Key on him and had a conversation in his head. They asked him about his meeting with the governor, where he revealed that the governor had ordered him to have the Black Smoke bomb the Clonio World Fair. Specifically, the King and his sons, Prince Andreas and Prince Gerard. His motivations were obvious; he is 4th in line for the throne.

They then asked him about the wellness check that the police perfomed on Tremont, to which he replied that no officers were dispatched for such a task. At least, not to his knowledge.

With that, the party concluded their meeting with Jaylen. Xavirie and Shiro chose to interrogate Olly Eagle, the journalist who writes the city's newspapers to find out where he got the information in Tremont's obituary entry while the rest of the party went back to Tremont Manor to take a Long Rest so they would be ready for their plan tonight. When they arrived at the Nutty Eagle Newsstand at 7PM, Olly was sitting in the window of his food truck sized newsstand with his feet kick up while he was writing something. They asked him where he had gotten the information that he put in Tremont's obituary, to which he replied that a pair of figures dressed all in black flashed a badge and handed him a note with the information he ended up putting in the papers. They asked him if they were his usual informants, where he said that it was hard to tell, but similar people have given him information before and it was never provably wrong.

Having heard all they needed to, they returned to the orphanage, where the rest of the party met them at around 9:30PM. Kit then assumed Tim Tim's form, Shiro became Invisible in darkness, Sparrow took the form of a small spider, and the rest of the party, with 2 animated suits of armor, entered the Ethereal Plane to watch over Kit. At about 11:30PM, Claudia saw a figure dressed in all black scale the fence around the orphanage, swiftly made it to the orphanage, and scaled the wall to the second floor window of Tim Tim's room. He then silently unscrewed the iron bars on the window, silently entered, and silently set down the bars on the rug in the room. As he began to approach Kit, he suddenly sat up and activated the Great Lock using the Chain Key. The figure tried to dodge, but wasn't fast enough. Xavirie then took the figure's mask off to see who it was. He had a blank expression on his face and did not respond to any of her questioning. Seeing that he was not going to comply, Shiro then inserted the Head Key into his head and Kit restrained his mental projection. Xavirie then entered his mind to see a long, expansive hallway lined with filing cabinets that were all locked with the familiar black-and-white spiral symbol. She then closed the door to his mind and used the Mailbox Key on it, selecting herself as the recipient. The Key turned, indicating that it had worked. Further indication came when the figure in black began drooling and the blank expression on his face became even more blank. Kit released him and his mental projection, who both fell to the floor, completely limp.

Xavirie then removed the Head Key and began searching his body. Before she could begin, she noticed that he was choking on his own saliva, so she put him in the position that one would to prevent someone from choking on their vomit when they are passed out drunk. In doing so, she also noticed that the fall had broken his nose since he had made no attempt to catch himself. She then searched his body, finding that his outfit sported the text "DIE Agent 917" on its back as well as 2 katanas, 3 shurikens, a screwdriver, and a piece of paper with a drawing of the orphanage's floor plan with Tim Tim's room circled on one side and a mission outline on the other.

The mission outline was as follows:

  • Infiltrate the orphanage through the barred window using provided screwdriver
  • Nab the nearest child while they are asleep soas not to alert others of your presence
  • Escape through the window you entered and pass off the child to DIE Agents 232 and 563
  • Close barred window back up using provided screwdriver
  • Return to Monument Island to give mission report while DIE Agents 232 and 563 begin conditioning the new recruit at the Serene Stone

This informed them that there were other people involved and heavily implied that the governor was involved. To avoid suspicion, Claudia used his Hat of Disguises to impersonate the man in black so he could deliver Kit, who was still in the form of Tim Tim, to the other DIE Agents. Shiro trailed them in the darkness while the rest of the party did the same from the Ethereal Plane.

The moment Claudia handed Kit over, the two agents gaged him, put a bag over his head, and tightly bound his arms and legs. One carried him over his shoulder while the other trailed him. The two began quickly moving down alleys and through abandoned buildings toward the docks in Leona. On the way there, Shiro managed to get the trailing one's attention to slow him down while the other kept going. He then made quick work of him and took his outfit before tracking the other one down to the docks and trailing him exactly as the other one had been.

From the docks, they made their way all they way across the city to Lower Strekk, arriving at the Serene Stone. This was surprisingly close to Tremont Manor; only a few blocks away. When they got there, they made their way around the back, where several other DIE Agents were waiting for them. The one carrying Kit then handed him off to the others, who dragged him inside through the single metal door there.

Not seeing any other options, Shiro called out Kit's name and assaulted the one that had carried him all the way here. Kit took the form of a short (2ft. tall) Kobold in order to make the rope relatively looser on him so he could escape. This is were the next session will pick up.

Report Date
16 Sep 2022


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