BUILD YOUR OWN WORLD Like what you see? Become the Master of your own Universe!

Session 23

General Summary

This session began on the steps of the Clonio Supreme Court immediately after the party had received the warrent for the arrest of Mother Krakenshine. Following much discussion regarding how the party was going to execute the warrant, Jaylen offered to arm the party. They returned to the Police Station.

Upon arriving, they immediately noticed a cardinal aarakocra chirping and gesturing at various things in the room, trying their best to communicate with the receptionist. Thankfully for them, Damian speaks Primordial and is able to understand Auran. The aarakocra revealed that his name was Chirp and that he came from a village to the North-Northwest that was recently conquered by a monsterous creature with one big eye and an evil smile.

The party agreed to help out after they deal with Krakenshine. Jaylen armed them with 2 handguns, a shotgun, an assault rifle, a battle rifle, and enough standard ammunition to reload each weapon 5 times. He also offered a 2 day firearm proficiency training program, which the party agreed to partake in.

They then went home and resurrected Claudia using the Resurrection Key. Upon returning to life, Claudia stated that he would be staying out of the action for awhile. He then started looking into life insurance.

Skipping forward to the next morning, everyone slept well except for Damian, who just couldn't seem to let his mind go to rest. Kit and Tremont went to the garage to forge a new Key, Vaision went to Tantalizing Tentacle Treasures, Damian was trying to sleep, and Xavirie was looking for a way to teach Chirp Common.

Xavirie borrowed the Head Key from Kit and visited her library, in which she found several volumes of encycopedias and dictionaries, the complete works of William Shakespeare, a book on modern slang, and a philosphy book on exploring one's self. She then made her way to the basement to try the procedure on Sparrow using the philosphy book. Sparraow agreed to allow the experiment. She experienced a read/write error. This did not disuade her since Sparrow was inorganic so it probably doesn't work the same way for her. Damian agreed to be the next test subject, this time using a book Xavirie found in the private study, which contained knowledge on every sex position imaginable. So they could use the Head Key on him, he tried to remove the Ring of Mind Shielding, but it would not come off. They decided to meet Vaision at Shiro's shop to see if he had anything to remove the ring.

Using Xavirie's car, they made it to Tantalizing Tentacle Treasures at the same time as Vaision. When they brought up the prospect of removing the ring from Damian's hand again, Damian felt the sudden urge to flee. The party chased him down a few alleys before Vaision managed to capture him with Hold Person. Vaision then used his spell scroll of Remove Curse, which allowed the ring to come right off.

With that settled, they returned to Shiro's shop and made a few purchases, one of which involved Damian trading the cursed ring for a shattered sword in a jar. By the time they returned to Tremont Manor, Kit and Tremont had finished forging the Echo Key; a Key that allows the user to speak the name of someone that's dead before using it on a door. An illusory manifestation of the person who's name was spoken (known as an Echo) will appear on the other side of the door. While the Key is in the door, nothing can pass through the doorway and, when the Key is removed from the door, the Echo is destroyed.

Skipping forward to the next day at 10PM, Xavirie has entered the Church of the Exalted Forest for her monthly meeting, followed closely by the rest party on the Ethereal Plane. The meeting went off without a hitch, but when the time came for Xavirie to confront Krakenshine with the warrant for her arrest, she opted not to. She would soon find out that that was a blessing in disguise as Damian was freaking out at the sight of Krakenshine. Apparently, she is a terrifying being he can't put into words.

Xavirie decided it might be best to gain the aid of some other members in her "cult". Isaiah has taken an interest in Xavirie and she thought she could use that to her advantage in order to sway him into helping the party subdue Krakenshine. She agreed to join him at his home that night, trying to ignore the creepy vibes he was putting off.

Once in his home, she explained the situation and he said he may be willing to help if there was something more in it for him. She then convinced him to take a swig of wine and pretended to drink with him. He became drunk almost immediately and she decided to leave while she had the chance.

Isaiah lives in the shit shacks on the south side of the city where the rat infestation is at its worst. Many of the rats are the size of large cats. Some are even larger. Couple this with the feeling of being watched, or even followed by something just out of sight, while the only sources of illumination are busted street lamps at the corner of each block and the blood-red moonlight and anyone would feel uneasy. The first chance she got, Xavirie entered the Ethereal Plane with the rest of the party. But it was not meant to be since an Ether Cyclone forced the party to leave the Ethereal Plane almost immediately after she had entered. The party began their walk home.

Just as they were about to make it out of the "bad" part of the city, they caught the attention of a giant rat that was approximately 8ft tall whose eyes matched the color of the crimson moon. Next session will pick up from here.

Report Date
06 Nov 2022


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